I was living in El Paso Tx for a while and that is when Mica wandered into my life and adopted me. There are alot of thorns and prickers everywhere, and it could be invisible prickers from the fauna. Mica learned to lift up her paw and tell me that she had a larger sticker in one of them, so I would promptly pull the sticker out. I think I learned to scope the bottom of her paw pads after a walk sometimes, too, to see if there were any unnecessary pickers sticking out there … some of the stickers are almost hairlike and invisible and theyre nasty little things. I would do it by just rubbing my finger tips on her paw pads to see if there was anything sticking out, almost invisibly. He might be cleaning the paw pads and and may have a little dirt in some of the pads too... His paw pads may still be soft from a different environment as the desert is a bit harsh, too...alot of sand, cactus, hot weather ... unforgiving soil and little precipitation... maybe his paw pads are toughening up, too.
Bamicas mom