Oh congrats on the new baby boy! he is soooo adorable!! Welcome welcome welcome! Always happy to get new B lovers in here! 🙂
Hello from New Member
Puppy pics will be coming.
Did the Hunter thing years (years) ago. Had an amazing Appy & showed Quarter horses. Did the race track, breeding farm (love foaling mares), & the Class A Arab Circuit. Love the intelegence & beauty of Arabs. Moses likes to run around in the arena while I ride. He is leary of the horses since one pushed him aside with a big hoof. I don't trust him on trail rides yet. -
Welcome. Looking forward to hearing more from you and seeing pictures of your dogs, puppies & horses!
Welcome to the forum! Can't wait to see pictures of your furkids & the puppies
Welcome to the forum and for sure we like puppy pictures but also pictures of the adults too!
Welcome!! Can't wait to read more about your four legged kids and see pics, please include pics of the horses, I used to ride English, many years ago
sent pics of puppies to photo gallery
The puppies are so cute! I love the story that goes along with them too!
Oh..the puppies are adorable! Welcome!
Welcome to the fun…......enjoy and we just love pictures!!!!;)
i love me some puppies
welcome to the forum!!