New Parvovirus Strain
This email was just forwarded to me. Please pass this information along to everyone you know!!!!!
With this lethal new Parvo circulating, you might want to avoid dog parks and other areas where dogs pass through. Please pass this on to your dog friends.
Karen Jones
Basenji Rescue of Southern California-Medfly Brigade
this is chillingSubject: New Parvovirus Strain
February 8th, 2008. THIS JUST IN! Thanks to Gretchen Schumacher we
received this report of an OSU news release: there's a new,
highly lethal variant Parvovirus (CPV-2c) killing puppies in the US. It
is NOT prevented by the old, original CPV vaccine that we all use to
immunize our dogs. As yet there is no vaccine for this killer virus.
Worse, it has been largely seen at midwest puppy mills (note the quote
in the article below: "One breeder lost 600 puppies in a night.") and
thus is likely spreading like wildfire through pet shop sales throughout
the U.S. These sick puppies will be spreading CPV-2c in veterinary
hospitals, parks and playgrounds, pet stores, grooming shops and
elsewehere where dogs are taken. Their owners will likely be spreading
the shed virus on the soles of their shoes, just as the original
Parvovirus is spread. This new virus variant in the U.S. will impact
negatively how all of us – breeders and owners alike -- will protect
our puppies and train and socialize them.We'll report updates as they become available...
OSU Laboratory Discovers New Canine Parvovirus Posted on Thursday,
February 7th, 2008 at 12:30 pmHere is a press release from the Oklahoma State University Center for
Veterinary Health Sciences:A team of Oklahoma State University (OSU) veterinarians, virologists and
pathologists at the Oklahoma Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory
(OADDL) recently published a paper in the Journal of Clinical
Microbiology on their findings from a Canine parvovirus (CPV) study. Led
by Dr. Sanjay Kapil, the group is the first to describe the CPV type 2c
variant in the United States."We were quite fortunate to discover this variant," explains Kapil. "It
has been known for six years in Italy but nobody paid attention to it
here until we found it last year."Shortly after Kapil joined the OSU Center for Veterinary Health
Sciences, he received a case at the OADDL. The adult dog had been
vaccinated multiple times and still became sick with Parvovirus."This was very unusual and we were totally surprised that it was CPV
type 2c, which had not been found in the U.S. until then," says Kapil.
"What was so interesting was that after we described this disease, we
ended up with samples from other locations here in the U.S."A patent has been filed on the characteristics of the U.S. CPV-2c. The
team reports that 500 samples were submitted from locations in south
California to south Florida. The published paper has been presented at
national level meetings and internationally in Italy and Melbourne,
Australia. However, their work is not done."The team work was most important. Sometimes we received ten dead
puppies a day. We are working with several veterinarians and are
receiving samples from cases with a history of vaccine failure,"
continues Kapil. "Diagnostic laboratories need to be involved to
identify CPV-2c. The disease now exists in all countries except
Australia because of its geographical isolation."According to Kapil, the disease presentation is different in that
normally parvovirus does not affect adult dogs only puppies. However,
since publishing their findings, the OADDL has received samples from
adult dogs in Minnesota."Veterinarians are confused because the in office diagnostic tests come
up negative," explains Kapil. "Clinically it looks like parvovirus so
they send it to us. The OADDL tests it and it is parvovirus. Now
world-wide (except for Australia), this particular variant can attack
the heart and intestines."He goes on to say that the mortality has been quite heavy. One breeder
lost 600 puppies in one night. Without further testing, it is not known
if the cause was simply this virus or if other factors were involved."We will continue to study CPV-2c. Through collaborations with others we
will search for more effective vaccines," he promises.Of 80 cases tested by the OADDL, 26 were from Oklahoma puppies/dogs. Of
those 26, 15 tested positive for CPV-2c.(c)2008 Dr. R. J. Russell & the CTCA
Um…that is pretty scary!
Please read this article. The "new strain" has been known for 8 years and is protected against by the current vaccines.
Well that's a lot more comforting. It figures something like this ends up being blown up….typical media crap. My big question when I first read the article was how someone had 600 puppies to lose in one night in the first place...