Another Fine Mess
Yes I know! I do normally get up with her but we have been doing all kinds of work to our house and I was so tired Saturday night. We tried crating her at night when she was a baby but we could not stand to hear her pitiful crying. I know what you are thinking! SUCKERS!!! But she is crated during the day while we are at work so I hate to turn around and crate her at night. So like I said I blame myself!!!
You may try the crate in your room. Medjai sleeps in my bed, but if he wakes up too early and doesn't have to go out, i just let him lay in his crate (he does it willingly).
And I definatly know that 'what did i do wrong' face. I think the tris and b/w do it best because of the dark face, but since they're lower to the ground than large dogs, the face just looks soo sad, and you can't turn it away.
Yes I know! I do normally get up with her but we have been doing all kinds of work to our house and I was so tired Saturday night. We tried crating her at night when she was a baby but we could not stand to hear her pitiful crying. I know what you are thinking! SUCKERS!!! But she is crated during the day while we are at work so I hate to turn around and crate her at night. So like I said I blame myself!!!
Yup –- suckers!!! :D
No, I do understand. I'm home all day, so I have no qualms crating the dogs at night.
The crate is in our room but she does not like to go in it. I think because she is in it during the day while we are at work. I don't dare leave her out because I'm afraid I would come home to a disaster area. We have left her out by herself and her big sister Josie just for like a half hour and she does fine. However I don't trust leaving her out for more than that yet!!!
our dog did the same thing when younger.
A quite or missing basenji can only mean one thing - TROUBLE!
Like you said you just know when they are up to no good!
We have just purchased several baby gates. I have been meaning to pick them up but she is so funny. She will behave herself for a couple days and it's like she can't help herself. I agree with the getting moms attention coment. Also I don't know if anyone else's B is like this but change seems to get her more wound up. We have visitors right now and it's almost like she shows off and wants to show everyone all of her wonderful tricks!!! I love her!
EL D really only gets "into trouble" when he wants my attention. Then he'll grab whatever (and I do mean whatever) is close at hand/mouth and parade it past me before running away like hell. :D
Oh yes, Trixie brings me things all the time that she knows she is not supposed to have!!! Its a big game between her and I. A tad bit frustrating at times lol! She also follows me from room to room watching my every move. Especially when I am cleaning or putting things away. New cupboard doors to snoop around in I suppose. They are such curious dogs. My other girl dog Josie could care less what I am doing. She just wants her food, water and her everyday petting from me.