Piggy has now been in heat since the 6th or so of August, while the blood has mostly stopped she seems to become depressed and lost weight. The last few days I have become worried that she may have pyometra. Has anyone else experienced this with their basenji? The smell of the blood that does come out is very fishy smelling, almost like anal secretions, is that normal at the end of heat? Her vulva is swollen to about 4 times its "non-heat" size. She also seems to be urinating more frequently which, until reading more, I had attributed to just being in heat. It is hard for me to tell what is going on since we have just switched her food about three weeks ago and we moved to a new house last week. She doesn't eat as much as normal and I attributed that to the food change. What is anyone else's opinion on this? Would a UTI produce similar symptoms? Sometimes I think I over-educate myself and worry too much. :confused:
As always, thanks for the opinions. -
Piggy has now been in heat since the 6th or so of August, while the blood has mostly stopped she seems to become depressed and lost weight. The last few days I have become worried that she may have pyometra. Has anyone else experienced this with their basenji? The smell of the blood that does come out is very fishy smelling, almost like anal secretions, is that normal at the end of heat? Her vulva is swollen to about 4 times its "non-heat" size. She also seems to be urinating more frequently which, until reading more, I had attributed to just being in heat. It is hard for me to tell what is going on since we have just switched her food about three weeks ago and we moved to a new house last week. She doesn't eat as much as normal and I attributed that to the food change. What is anyone else's opinion on this? Would a UTI produce similar symptoms? Sometimes I think I over-educate myself and worry too much. :confused:
As always, thanks for the opinions.I would take her to the Vet to make sure, Pyometra is nothing to mess around with but typically Pyometra developes 1 to 2 months after they are in season.. is she running a fever? I will say that at the end of a season, yes the discharge can be "fishy" smelling… and many bitches become depressed during/after being in season. Her swollen vulva is pretty normal, some bitches just swell lots... some don't....
I would take her to the vet even as a precaution. Pyometra is very dangerous.
My Topaz was developing pyometra too…she went into heat in August & by November she started bleeding again & it was smelly too. I knew something was wrong. Luckily she was scheduled for her spay & the vet did find it then. She told us we really lucked out.
Gosh, it has been a loooong week. Piggy is doing great. She is eating the new food I switched her too (innova). She never vomited, had a fever, or drank excessively so I decided to wait and see, even though I know I was taking a risk. She seems to be completely herself again.
The other reason I did not take her in to the vet is because I ended up going on a B rescue mission to Indiana. I got a call from a humane society in Indiana, saying that they had my puppy. Well they didn't have my Piggy. But they did have a puppy from her litter that I had microchipped before she went home. Apparently the new owner had never changed the registration into her name. I was very careful about who I sent my puppies home with and checked each family out thoroughly, references and all. Jojo went home with a family that had a couple of basenjis in the extended family and the lady seemed very knowledgeable and ready for the responsibility. Needless to say she was not with that lady any longer. So I drove down to Indiana (7 hours each way) and picked her up, as I could not get a hold of the buyer. She was in heat and had been running around wild for about a week they said. I got her home and found over 20 ticks on her and bunches of fleas. I put my last dose of revolution on her and began working on the ticks. She was very scared, but seemed to remember us. The next day the humane society called and said the owner called claiming the dog. Turns out the original buyer gave her away in a "FREE PUPPY" newspaper ad about a month ago to an older lady. I had clauses about offering me the first right of refusal in each of the contracts and was very careful about keeping in touch with all of the new owners, but this woman never seemed to return my contact. I guess you can never be too careful. I feel so guilty that she has had to go through all of this, and have to keep reminding myself that I did my best.
The good news she is doing well. She is seemingly healthy and very personable. She is a little mouthy with other dogs, but that could just be that she is in heat also. The really good news is that I may have already found her a new home with an experienced basenji parent already. Keep your fingers crossed that this works out. I am so happy that all of my other puppies are in such great homes and I hope that I find Jojo one soon. She is soo sweet and did nothing to deserve any of that. -