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Heats coming on!!

Behavioral Issues
  • Well, I've been waiting for this to happen-Damisi and Sugar decided to play, "Who's top dog?" this weekend. Sugar is about 22 months and Damisi is about 8 months. She's been pushing the envelope for a couple of months now with the other dogs-they've been letting it pass until this weekend! A full fledged fight broke out between the two of them about who gets the spot by the door! Sugar got a bit ear, but Damisi sure got the short end of the stick with bite marks on her neck. My husband was standing there with the 'deer in the headlights' look. He didn't know how vicious bitches could be. I pulled them apart after they got each other by the throuts and wouldn't let go-both went in cages to cool off for awhile. But with the heat cycle coming on for the bitches they both aren't in good moods these days!

  • Yikes! Scary…

  • Yikes, talk about just an adranoline (sp?) rush just reading that. Hope everyone is okay though

  • Everyone's fine-twenty minutes later they were playing again. Although, I don't know if I should enter Damisi in any shows soon!

  • Oh no poor little Damisi :eek: WOW I guess it's time for separate play dates :p

  • Ha! I've got her up by the back of the neck and she's still carrying on like she's never going to stop!

  • Yuck! Good luck, hope they don't fight again!

  • Well, you know bitches, Andrea-they have their moments-especially when they aren't related. I'm hoping after they come into heat they'll settle down again. It's just hormones-I'm hoping. I know Sugar gets really miserable when she comes into season.

  • Pippin and Bindi are starting to come into season and things are getting highly combustable around here. The problem one is 9 month old Cory though. One minute she and Bindi are "best friends" and then Cory will "go stupid" and start taunting Bindi until a fight breaks out. Bitch fights can be nasty and separating two is hard enough but toss in Pippin and maybe a few others and its a real pain in the a$$ to get everyone apart. My adult dogs always wear collars. Its a key point in not getting bitten while in the midst of a battle. Cory will be leaving for her new home Monday and things will settle down once she's out of the picture.

  • I know what you mean about Cory-Damisi does the exact same thing. She's been spending a lot of time in the crate.

  • Well, they were at it again. Damisi taunted Sugar then got mad because Sugar wouldn't play and attacked her. Sugar just held her down by the throat and wouldn't let go. Finally, I pulled them apart and Damisi (after I got all the slobber off) languished in her crate the rest of the evening. I'll be so glad when I know for sure it's the cycle or a personality difference-can anyone tell me how tell now? Or, do I have to wait for the cycle to pass?

  • Ugh…well....I don't think there is any way to tell. My best advice is to try to keep them from having any more altercations. Something that is sparked by crankiness of the season could turn into a "I can never forgive that b!t(h"

    Last year I ran my younger bitches separate for most of the "season" because I had a "hunch" things weren't right between them. I avoided any issues, and was able to smoothly reintegrate them after they were both done. This year they are much better with each other (of course they aren't having simultaneous heats like last year)..and I haven't had to separate them.

    Best wishes, and here is hoping this will be resolved after the season.

  • Good lord, I hope this passes-it's worse than men in football season! (sorry guys) I'll take your advice and keep them separated for the most part.

  • @nomrbddgs:

    Good lord, I hope this passes-it's worse than men in football season! (sorry guys) I'll take your advice and keep them separated for the most part.

    That has worked for me…but I always have them go outside quickly together a few times a day, but they don't spend time "hanging out" together. And I crate them RIGHT next to each other, so that they don't "forget" that the other girl is in her life...and they can keep their "friendship" in place. They also get to spend some just mommy time by themselves each evening.

    Just to be clear...and I know this isn't what you intended, but just so everybody reading is clear. I don't want to separate them from each other's sight..I think it is really important that they spend time together (crated next to each other); or walking together. I would just want a "neutral" space until the season was over.

  • I have their crates right next to each other also. And I have to watch them outside together. I never thought of individual "mommy time" (duh on me) so I'll spend a little time together with them.

    I have the same thought as you on separating them and being together.

  • YAAAAAYYYYY!! Damisi finally came into season-now I just have to wait for Sugar and hopefully after this they will settle down again. Does Sugar have to be out of season for two months before I do the hip x-ray?

  • @nomrbddgs:

    YAAAAAYYYYY!! Damisi finally came into season-now I just have to wait for Sugar and hopefully after this they will settle down again. Does Sugar have to be out of season for two months before I do the hip x-ray?

    Yep, that sounds right.

  • Here is the recommendation from OFA:

    Radiography of pregnant or estrus females should be avoided due to possible increased joint laxity (subluxation) from hormonal variations. OFA recommends radiographs be taken one month after weaning pups and one month before or after a heat cycle. Physical inactivity because of illness, weather, or the owner's management practices may also result in some degree of joint laxity. The OFA recommends evaluation when the dog is in good physical condition.

  • Okay, so one month after the END of the heat cycle then; good to know.

  • Perfect! I now know when I can get her done. Then I can work on the breeding for next year.

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