The only one that checks to see what's going on in the kitchen is Talker. When he hears me picking up the bowls and putting the kibble in it, he'll come into the kitchen.
You're lucky - I have to comment now because it's been a few nice days lately, where the humidity is low and I have the windows open. I have been putting doggies outside when preparing their food. I try ever so slowly to open the lazy-suzan to get clean bowls, then quietly as possible to open the cupboard door and slide out the tray where the food is kept. They HEAR it!! It's amazing! Next thing that goes on is them squabbling on the deck pawing on the doorwall glass. Well, I'm glad they're not at my feet doing this. I let them in when bowls are in crates and they FLY to their places. Geesh!! They're not starving, they're very well fed with 2 meals a day and add treats…it's their thing, I guess. So young though. I hope they cool it in due time. Not hoping for them to get old, because I go along with them in time, but hoping for a little mellow.