In the days before computers, I kept a book (now its all carefully entered in to special folders on the 'machine' and provides me with a complete history) - total sickness record, including jabs and innoculations (and cost of pills / treatment), of each dog. Weight at birth of puppies, ease of whelping. Onset of seasons, boys starting to react (chuddering and showing interest), date relative to onset of color of the first time the girl's tail went over. Just about every aspect of each dog is carefully logged and catalogued.
Found First Lump
Chance went to the vet 2 weeks ago for his rabies shot and just the other day we noticed he had a lump in the base of his neck. The lump can be moved around under the skin and does not cause any discomfort. I've read in previous posts that rabies shots tend to cause lumps under the skin. How long does this last and should I be concerned since he is only 6 mts????
That's exactly what it is, always startles me too every time. No reason to be concerned, altho I don't recall how long it lasts … a few weeks?
Chance went to the vet 2 weeks ago for his rabies shot and just the other day we noticed he had a lump in the base of his neck. The lump can be moved around under the skin and does not cause any discomfort. I've read in previous posts that rabies shots tend to cause lumps under the skin. How long does this last and should I be concerned since he is only 6 mts????
It could also be his micro chip if he has one. Sometimes you can feel the chip with puppies, or very lean dogs. It should feel bigger than a grain of rice, but smaller than a pea…not visually noticable.
It could also be his rabies vaccine, I have seen that before also with my dogs...although our vet now does rabies in the thigh.
I would guess from the rabies shot also… and when mine got them, it lasted about 8 wks... if I remember correctly..