Mixes are so hard to tell, one mixing of the same mix of dogs(say basenji/fox terrier) can give you different looking dogs to another litter mix of the same type of dogs, sometimes characteristics of one dog comes out more than the other. At the dog park people have the same mix but they look quite different, then if one dog is a mix itself it gets even harder. I just think mixes are so interesting and think it would be interesting to find out through the DNA test they have. I suppose in some cases it leads to better understanding of your dog and it's needs. She is a nice looking dog and special whatever she is. I have yet to get a yodel just for me, even the cats have gotten one so you are lucky if she gives them freely.
Meet Jody (Jojo)
We adopted Jody from an animal shelter almost a year ago. They told us she was between 6 and 8 yrs old.!They said she was Basenji mix. She has straight tail, barks (alot), and weighs about 34 lbs. Every once in a while she makes a rattling sound in her throat. We are planning to do a dna test on her. 0_1516461496190_jo.jpg
What a coincidence... the Garner TX animal shelter (?) has a dog that looks like a twin to yours... They originally called her "Tiny" and claimed she was Basenji - they have since changed her name to "Cami". It's almost easy to see why they would think Basenji from the ears and the markings. I can't imagine what the mix really is though... please let us know what the DNA tests reveal. Thanks!
Dna test on the way to the lab. will update when I get results