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My new brindle bundle of joy…

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  • She is definitely your wild child!

    The vet office was very glad when Loki went home after his neuter…he screamed nearly the entire time and would toss the food bowl sending kibble flying everywhere when they'd try to get him to eat.

    I recently bought this for our pups

    It was always hard tiring Loki out until we tied a toy onto a fishing pole and swung that around. The above toy doesn't extend as far of course, and won't stand up to Loki's 23 lb dead weight tactics, but it works for Kaia (and Loki if we can keep him from catching). No fetching required!

  • @agilebasenji:

    Oh, the dolphin sounds perfect. Just cinch him up tight so that the princess can't help him get out of his leash. (B/c the then she can play the keep-away game. something you do NOT want to start.)

    Yes, Ava looooves the keep-away game. When I refused to play, she pranced over to the pond and looked straight at me while she dropped the ball into the pond. Dolphin on a leash– coming right up... Thanks for the idea!

  • @TMartin:

    I recently bought this for our pups

    It was always hard tiring Loki out until we tied a toy onto a fishing pole and swung that around. The above toy doesn't extend as far of course, and won't stand up to Loki's 23 lb dead weight tactics, but it works for Kaia (and Loki if we can keep him from catching). No fetching required!

    I like the part about sitting in the chair while the dog chases! But Loki calmed down, right? And having a second dog probably helps Kaia, keeping her busy and entertained. The trainer did tell me that Ava might do better with a second dog. I just about died– how could I handle two!!!

  • Loki calmed down once we learned how to effectively tire him out. And on occasion indulge his destructiveness with super cheap stuffed toys ;)

    Having Kaia with another dog certainly helps, not that Loki is always fond of it, but tackling him, biting his tail, being a general pest is great entertainment for her. She still gets into mischief, though it's far less than what she would do if we didn't have Loki. And it wasn't until the last couple of weeks that she's begun napping. Poor Loki loves his naps and she'd pester him because if she didn't want to sleep, then he certainly wasn't allowed to sleep.

  • And 2 is in some ways easier than 1, at least for us. Loki is a very dog loving dog…his first time of going through an agility chute was because he was following another dog. All the others followed a tennis ball....mine, nope, but another dog worked. Funny enough, when Loki was a puppy, on more than one occasion I commented that we should have gotten a B puppy after already having a dog to help keep him entertained!

  • We take ours for lots of short rides in the crate to local parks and then take them for nice fun play walks to wear them out, they soon associated the crate with going some place fun and did not hesitate to run in their crates.

  • It's really hard to tire Ava out. She has an endless supply of energy. That's why I had hoped for doggie daycare or daycamp, but she does not yet have enough manners or bite inhibition to be accepted. We are working on that, but it doesn't much bother her if she hurts someone– human or furry-- with her little razor teeth. But that is getting better now that she has lost so many of her baby teeth. She has eight big girl teeth in front and is no longer gnawing like a termite on everything in sight!

    We are going to try the dolphin on a "leash" tomorrow.

  • just wanted to know how the dophin on a leash did. Update?

  • The pink dolphin went out for a spin and it worked pretty well. The Princess didn't want to give it up, though, and wasn't as accommodating as Zest about being reeled in with her prize. But she gave it up for a yummy treat, and we got in a few good retrieves before she was distracted by blowing leaves… and the garbage truck... and the barking dogs next door... I try to keep her training sessions brief, because her attention span is so short. We'll keep working with Dolphin every day. :)

    Did I mention that Ava barks? Yep. Only once or twice at a time, but definitely a bark.

  • Z was not real keen on giving up blue bird at first, but she soon realized that she got a treat and became more accomodating.

  • C-Me barks too…

  • Loki does a little bark/boof. Kaia really does a bark. Whether that's someone coming to the door or at something she sees that she's unsure of, she'll growl and bark. I have videos of it, but still need to see if any are very good.

  • Gambit barks too, especially when happy. For dog training tips, I find the Whole Dog Journal magazine has good advice.

  • LOL– so many barkers for a non-barking breed! When the dogs next door bark, Ava barks back. And she'll bark at the window if she sees someone outside or, like Kaia, if she's unsure about something. My kitchen trashcan has a self-opening lid and if Ava hops up and sets it off, she'll bark-bark at that... then back up and bark-bark some more. She's very vocal, but no yodels yet.

    Thanks, Lisa! I like the Whole Dog Journal. I'll check out the tips.

  • Oakleys pretty mute, with the occasional baroo to hurry me along with preparing his supper. Sometimes I wish for more noise from him ;)

  • Kaiser has barked a few times one or two bark/woofs when alerted by someone he wasn't sure about only while in the yard and they are definitely not a normal bark, more a deep woof and we usually jump as he is otherwise so silent and it catches us off guard and I do actually enjoy it when I hear him it makes me laugh.

    Jolanda and Kaiser

  • All these cute barkers– who knew! Spencer was also pretty mute, Chealsie, so it feels different to have a talker. Ava marches to her own tune-- that's for sure. I read these posts about all these other new puppies that are already housetrained, little angels in their crates and sleeping all night at 10 and 11 weeks, and it just makes me cry. Ava is almost twice that age.

  • Lol..she doesn't seem to care about what others want or do…she will get there, and when she does it will feel even more rewarding

  • I wish I still thought that. I really do.

  • I waited a good long while before things clicked for Oakley…well over least 16 for the eye of the storm to this day (he's 28months) I'm still shocked at the progress he's made! I remember thinking, "this is going to be my life for the next 15 years!!"

    Any new pics??

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