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My new brindle bundle of joy…

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  • Tucker and Becca both will slap you across the face. Actually he is doing it right now because i am sitting on the chair and trying to ignore him while writing this. He doesn't like that so he's like….whap pet me, whap i said pet me....right at about eye level. I just thought it was my dogs. Who knew this was another quirk.

  • Whew! I thought I was the only one who got slapped around by my teeny tiny puppy and now it looks like I'm not the only battered B Mom. So I guess she won't be outgrowing this?

    It does look like another Basenjism has surfaced. All in all, I'd rather she just turn her back on me!

  • My guy will use his paw for attention, but not on the face. He will bat me on the arm. Occasionally in bed he will manage to land a blow on my head, for which he gets told in no uncertain terms! That is usually when he has drifted out from under the covers, gets cold, and wants to be covered up. I do think it is important to impress on them early just what is "legal" and what is not. Getting hit in the face is no laughing matter, and what if the toenails end up in your eye?

    Of course, when we respond by giving them what they want…...being patted, or at least acknowledged......we are reenforcing the behaviour big time! (Yes, guilty as charged.) ;)

  • It is indeed a basenji-ism…Oakley has always slapped a pup it seemed directed towards my seemed my voice or tone would provoke it, he'd mainly do it in play or for instance, if I swish mouthwash it enrages him and he slaps my face! But these days he shows displeasure or intrigue by pawing me..also to try and get me to give him something...but it's much gentler these days (minus the mouthwash thing..that still goes on)

    I'd keep the hair pulled back and dodge the slaps for now and focus on the bigger things. I say this mainly because I think it's somewhat typical puppy behavior and there are a lot of other "untypical" and rather incapacitating sure do have a spit fire on your hands.. It does however, make progress more endearing (when you get there)

    I live with two things daily..either being ignored or being hit by my basenji....I've accepted that he's accepted he rules and I just obey...

  • The frequent urination does sound like a medical issue/problem. I know she is very young but has an ultrasound been done to make sure everything is okay.


  • Unfortunately, Ava's problems seem to be all behaviorial. I say unfortunately, because there would be solutions for medical issues. Behaviorially, not so much. :(

  • When I picked up Trog he was 4 months and quickly went into the terrible twos knawing on my wrists and ankles at every opportunity. I learned to keep a knubby nylabone on me at all times and would place that in his mouth any time the chewfest ensued. He has been my only one of the ten basenjis I've had that was wild. The others I successfully wore out with tennis ball play or walks so that they were content. I'm sure you will find ways to keep Ava amused while you are training her. All puppies have ADD.

  • Is she making any progress Pamela?? Oh, little Ava!!! One day she will learn, I promise

  • Some days I think she is making a teeny bit of progress, then she goes and trumps her past behavior. She will do basic commands for treats most of the time, but OMG, she's absolutely wild. She can't tolerate boundaries, restrictions or corrections of any kind. She lasted exactly one half day in doggie daycare. I went to pick her up and was called into what amounted to the principal's office, where I was asked not to bring her back. Another daycare wouldn't even take us after Ava flunked the meet ' n greet. I haven't found a dog sitter yet who will come back a second time.

    The first vet couldn't stand Ava. Now we have a new vet, but the first day, Ava got her nose stuck in the cage and screamed bloody murder, kicked over (not accidentally tipped over; purposefully kicked) every water bowl they gave her, turned around in the cage and had diarrhea all over the cage bars and the floor twice (the second time right after they had cleaned up the first mess), wet the bedding the vet was kind enough to put in there, then held out for 8 hours, refusing to give up a urine sample all day long. She terrorized the resident cat, stressed out the other animals and slapped the vet techs in the face. When I came to pick her up, she was screaming in the back and I could tell she had worn out her welcome. "We have never seen anything quite like Ava," they said. She is like Marley on steroids, and I am just sorry that book and movie have already been written or her escapades might pay off.

  • @lisastewart:

    When I picked up Trog he was 4 months and quickly went into the terrible twos knawing on my wrists and ankles at every opportunity. I learned to keep a knubby nylabone on me at all times and would place that in his mouth any time the chewfest ensued. He has been my only one of the ten basenjis I've had that was wild. The others I successfully wore out with tennis ball play or walks so that they were content. I'm sure you will find ways to keep Ava amused while you are training her. All puppies have ADD.

    How long did it take Trog to outgrow his wildness? I'm hoping that Ava will outgrow hers, too and settle down into a sweet dog. She doesn't wear out easily. She goes and goes and sleeps very little. She's active right up to bedtime, then restless at night. She will chase a tennis ball, but won't bring it back, and she gets bored with it quickly. In general, she is easily distracted and frustrated, even more so than most puppies. She's still very young, but I had hoped to see a glimmer of improvement by now. Maybe soon.

  • I would really consider asking your breeder to do a home visit and watch the two of you interact and see Ava's behavior. Either that or consider sending her back temporarily. I think that would jog her back into better behavior. With all the money you're spending trying to fix the problem I think it'd be 100% worth it to send her back to your breeder who I am sure would offer we assistance and knowledge…
    Could either of those be options?

  • Ava will be going to boarding school in a few weeks. I'm looking at programs and facilities now and trying to decide which one best fits our needs. Spencer was a much easier puppy, with a different temperament, but he responded well to two weeks of off-site training, so I'm hoping it will help Ava to reboot in a different environment. Because, yes, her behavior has been expensive and difficult, and perhaps a change will do some good!

  • @ownedbyspencer:

    She will chase a tennis ball, but won't bring it back, and she gets bored with it quickly.

    Okay, toys that don't come back when "called" need to be kept on a "leash" until they are reliable.

    This is what I did with Zest! when she was a baby. We had "blue bird" (a fuzzy toy) on a long string. I'd throw birdie and she'd run out to get it and I'd reel them both in and Z got a treat. (Z is very food motivated, so that helped - a lot). It really didn't take long before Z had a very reliable retrieve. I still (6 yrs later) reward the retrieve more often than not. And what this created is a dog that LOVES to bring me things. (well, until the rabbit incident)

  • @Chealsie508:

    I would really consider asking your breeder to do a home visit and watch the two of you interact and see Ava's behavior. Either that or consider sending her back temporarily. I think that would jog her back into better behavior. With all the money you're spending trying to fix the problem I think it'd be 100% worth it to send her back to your breeder who I am sure would offer we assistance and knowledge…
    Could either of those be options?

    Or, barring that idea, at least send some videos of her behavior and see what the breeder thinks.

  • @agilebasenji:

    Okay, toys that don't come back when "called" need to be kept on a "leash" until they are reliable.

    This is what I did with Zest! when she was a baby. We had "blue bird" (a fuzzy toy) on a long string. I'd throw birdie and she'd run out to get it and I'd reel them both in and Z got a treat. (Z is very food motivated, so that helped - a lot). It really didn't take long before Z had a very reliable retrieve. I still (6 yrs later) reward the retrieve more often than not. And what this created is a dog that LOVES to bring me things. (well, until the rabbit incident)

    So did blue bird arrive on the string or did you tie a string to her? Ava is also food motivated, so I will try this. We are still working on the leash thing, though, since Ava, like tennis balls and sticks, doesn't always come back…. and sometimes won't even go. Those little feet seem to take root when she is feeling particularly stubborn.

  • Oh, I had to attach the "leash" to blue bird. It wasn't very attractive, but very functional. (He was a 75% off postEaster toy found at Joann's many, many years ago. But he made really neat chirping noises. At least he used to.) That's the other nice thing about toys an a leash. If the princess doesn't want to fetch it, you don't have to either. ;-)

  • Lol. She seems wildly independent and it sounds like she's trying very har to be the

    I can only imagine her and spencer were complete opposites, it sounds like it!! There's a saying I use frequently when I refer to Oakley (especially in the wild days!)
    "I didn't necessarily get the dog I wanted, I got the dog I needed"

    He was the distraction I desperately needed to deal with a big loss personally, if it wast for having a handful to deal with I'm not sure what I would've done..he was exactly what I needed and now I'm thankful for it..and thankful it's passed!!!

  • Toys on a leash– I love it! We have a dolphin that I think would love to be chased, fetched and reeled in. Or perhaps I need to find a plush tiara... with maybe a bit of bling befitting the little princess?

    And, since you mention it, that fetching toys is MUCH more tiring for the human in residence than it was 15 years ago when Spencer was a pup. Now why would that be?

  • Just as a thought, have you any contact with any of the other puppies from that litter? Just wondering if it is just her or was the entire litter like she is? Wild and crazy…. same as Ava, Sort of Wild and Crazy... or normal (or as normal as a Basenji puppy can be)?

  • Oh, yes, Chealsie, Ava thinks she needs to be the boss and is frustrated that her human servants don't agree. The trainer said she has seen huge snarling pitt bulls less alpha than 11-lb Ava. I don't think it was a compliment.

    So the day that Ava accepts that she isn't the boss of all of us will probably be the turning point. I'm just not sure what it will take to get her there, other than time.

    Spencer was dominant, too– and he was all Basenji; he was just more reasonable about it. And he loved me. Ava loves treats... and chicken necks (and probably rabbits, if she can catch one). :)

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