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New Adoptee of 1 Year Old DIESEL in Wisconsin Needs to Form Basenji Train to Michigan

Basenji Rescue
  • You might contact BRAT and ask if they have people in that area who might help.

  • Perhaps…thanks for that!

  • Unfortunately I am pretty much at the opposite end of WI from Eau Claire. However if you like I can repost this on another couple of boards and on my FB for you as I have a lot of online dog friends all over :)

    Another option would be to see if you can take up some donations to help you with the gasoline cost of the drive. I would certainly be willing to contribute if you decide to do something like this…

  • Diesel has now been taken from the owners brother to a friend that tried to force him into his crate and he apparently bit her and drew blood. The "friend" does not sound Basenji Savvy and I am - of course, worried about Diesel as the last note I got said that the bitten woman was threatening to take him to the Animal Shelter and just drop him off! I am devastated by this heinous idea!!

    But I wanted to thank you for your kind offer. If I can get them to reply to me and tell me what is going on, we may be able to save this beautiful pup from those who don't understand him….the woman who owned him initially is a very nice young woman, she is clearly in love with Diesel but also her significant other who does not like the dog at all and has kicked it out for all intensive purposes instead of finding a secure, guaranteed home for Diesel like MINE! I just can't get the help I need moving him but will keep all posted should he yet again become available to me somehow.


    Unfortunately I am pretty much at the opposite end of WI from Eau Claire. However if you like I can repost this on another couple of boards and on my FB for you as I have a lot of online dog friends all over :)

    Another option would be to see if you can take up some donations to help you with the gasoline cost of the drive. I would certainly be willing to contribute if you decide to do something like this…


    Diesel has now been taken from the owners brother to a friend that tried to force him into his crate and he apparently bit her and drew blood. The "friend" does not sound Basenji Savvy and I am - of course, worried about Diesel as the last note I got said that the bitten woman was threatening to take him to the Animal Shelter and just drop him off! I am devastated by this heinous idea!!

    But I wanted to thank you for your kind offer. If I can get them to reply to me and tell me what is going on, we may be able to save this beautiful pup from those who don't understand him….the woman who owned him initially is a very nice young woman, she is clearly in love with Diesel but also her significant other who does not like the dog at all and has kicked it out for all intensive purposes instead of finding a secure, guaranteed home for Diesel like MINE! I just can't get the help I need moving him but will keep all posted should he yet again become available to me somehow.

    I am so sad to hear all this… My heart hurts for this little dog and so many others that suffer. Please keep us in the loop here. I just had a friend on another board mention a group that helps with transport of rescues to new homes. I will have to go back and see if I can find the thread and get the information if you need it.

    Here is a link to a place that provides transport to rescues. The transporters are volunteer truckers :)

  • I'm getting confused by this situation. Do I have this correct …

    Diesel is currently in a home that doesn't want him or maybe in an animal shelter, in Eau Claire Wisconsin.
    Dave from Michigan wants him but does or doesn't have an agreement from the current owner.
    Transportation is needed to Michigan when an agreement can be made.

    Is this a now or never situation?
    Can transportation wait until the Basenji Nationals in early July (because there may be more transportation possibilities then)?

  • @wizard:

    I'm getting confused by this situation. Do I have this correct …

    Diesel is currently in a home that doesn't want him or maybe in an animal shelter, in Eau Claire Wisconsin.
    Dave from Michigan wants him but does or doesn't have an agreement from the current owner.
    Transportation is needed to Michigan when an agreement can be made.

    Is this a now or never situation?
    Can transportation wait until the Basenji Nationals in early July (because there may be more transportation possibilities then)?

    It's a long story… but Diesel's owner came to the forum looking for help and consequently decided to find Diesel a new home. Dave and her were communicating and working things out. However, other people in her household pushed and made her rehome the dog immediately to another home...things went from bad to worse and the dog is now in danger of placed in the shelter. Dave still would like to rescue Diesel...but is in need of help with Transport since he is in Michigan and Diesel is in Wisconsin. I think those are the basice. I think Dave is in contact with the original owner still and they are trying to work out if they can save Diesel.

  • We can easily understand why anyone would be confused by this situation. Maybe if the whole truth came out the situation would be better understood. Either way it certainly does not help the dog at this point.

    This is a sad sad situation that probably goes on more than we know. Sometimes it is necessary to set ones pride aside in order to do what is best for the dog. So far that has not happened in this case.

    To David,

    If this dog has actually bitten someone and does not have its shots, its like playing Russian roulette with both the dog and person's life.

  • A shelter will usually euthanize a dog if they know it has a bite history. Do you know if he has ever bitten anyone before? Is there anyone nearby that can at least evaluate the dog? Perhaps someone from Minneapolis. Has BRAT been contacted about this dog about wanting to be given up? I do not know if BRAT will take a dog that has a bite history but because of the special circumstances regarding the bite-forced into a crate, perhaps it will.


  • I (living in Minnesota) might consider helping get the dog started on his way to Michigan if I knew for sure what the current situation was.
    Is Dave taking this dog?
    Does the dog have a bite history beyond the one person?
    Will the dog go in a kennel?
    If the answers are "yes, no, yes" is there someone in eastern Wisconsin or northern Illinois who could help with continuation of transport?

  • IMO people get entirely too excited about a minor bite. So much more information is needed, particularly the circumstances of the bite, and the nature of the relationship between the biter and the bitee. Basenjis often get a bad rap because they will stand on their dignity and not be bossed around by people they don't consider their superior. Dogs I have adopted have taken time before they are willing to accept me as head of household, and the "boss of them". My current boy bit me the day he arrived. I forgave him but I would never trust him with someone he doesn't know well, if they were attempting to assert their authority. I can do that now, I could not for quite awhile after he arrived.

    A dog that bites unprovoked is, of course, an entirely different proposition.

  • Trying to push a Basenji into a crate/kennel that may have been never kenneled is a major problem especially if done by someone this dog does not know!


  • The problem with a dog that bites is there are legal issues…. regardless of the reason. Shelters do not look at why a bite took place, same with BRAT. BRAT will not take dogs that have any bite history at all... Shelters will PTS. It is a sad situation all the way around. But when Diesel's owner first came on the forum, I think we all knew this was a bad situation. This was the start of the thread on Diesel

  • I'll start by saying that at no time has ANYTHING other but the full truth EVER been typed up in this format, any other course or conjecture to some form of a lie is an insult to the current owner and me.

    So, Yes, Diesel did bite the woman who was trying to get him to go into an unwanted crate. She is fine, unflustered and sadly, with small children around, she wishes to again put Diesel out to another owner, and that owner is again…ME! At this point all the cards are dealt and it is been stripped to the barest bones of the situation, Diesel needs a home within one week or he goes to the SHELTER. This would be a massive injustice to him as he is just a baby and only just learning....and that, at the hands of inexperienced Basenji owners who really have tried their best but cannot make it work.

    My home is perfect and well appointed for Diesel and we can get by and take very good care of him. I believe my 5 year old Pipet, will do just fine with him given time and training and all the love to work them together and help them form a solid canine bond as only Basenji's know how. So, if ANYONE can assist me in getting Diesel across this portion of the Mid West it would be a blessing for him and a miracle for us all. He is in Eau Claire, WI and I am in Pontiac, Mi. I can get to just south of Chicago and back home in a day, this way I do not need to overnight anywhere, though I will be prepared to do so if need be. I will be the point person to get any interested party in touch with the owner Tessa, who is a very nice young woman and the person in Wisconsin who certainly cares the most about Diesel, we need to help soothe her aching heart and get Diesel home.



    We can easily understand why anyone would be confused by this situation. Maybe if the whole truth came out the situation would be better understood. Either way it certainly does not help the dog at this point.

    This is a sad sad situation that probably goes on more than we know. Sometimes it is necessary to set ones pride aside in order to do what is best for the dog. So far that has not happened in this case.

    To David,

    If this dog has actually bitten someone and does not have its shots, its like playing Russian roulette with both the dog and person's life.

  • @eeeefarm:

    IMO people get entirely too excited about a minor bite. So much more information is needed, particularly the circumstances of the bite, and the nature of the relationship between the biter and the bitee. Basenjis often get a bad rap because they will stand on their dignity and not be bossed around by people they don't consider their superior. Dogs I have adopted have taken time before they are willing to accept me as head of household, and the "boss of them". My current boy bit me the day he arrived. I forgave him but I would never trust him with someone he doesn't know well, if they were attempting to assert their authority. I can do that now, I could not for quite awhile after he arrived.

    A dog that bites unprovoked is, of course, an entirely different proposition.

    More than likely this dog is biting out of fear. This dog has been re-homed at least three times by our count. In fact this Basenji might not even be a year old. How much damage has already been done to this dog and what are the chances that he will recover from it? This is a dog that has never known stability except with his first owner.

  • I am taking Diesel as long as I can find a way to get him here. The biting incident is a non-issue for those writing about it….by NON I mean that it was a very minor occurrence provoked by trying to assert ones power over the puppy, which all of us have commented on as a Basenji trait that is well understood and worked with by every owner at some time or another, nipping goes away with maturity but is understood for now....bottom line is- He Does Not Bite! He is not a "Biter", he was just doing what they all do.

    As for me, I have one week to get this done somehow. The situation has changed 4 times in 12 day's as they have attempted to place him close to them so Tessa could still have some contact with Diesel as she loves him.....we also understand this drive. But she has faced his reality and getting him to me is her desire, I am fully qualified as a Basenji owner of 5 great year's and many exotic pets previously....I am an animal person tried and true. So HELP is what we need, no more debate about biting or vets or law enforcement, the points are moot. We must get him to a stable home that will never change in his lifetime and that's what I plan to provide. THANKS TO ALL!


    I (living in Minnesota) might consider helping get the dog started on his way to Michigan if I knew for sure what the current situation was.
    Is Dave taking this dog?
    Does the dog have a bite history beyond the one person?
    Will the dog go in a kennel?
    If the answers are "yes, no, yes" is there someone in eastern Wisconsin or northern Illinois who could help with continuation of transport?

  • And sorry, the answers ARE Yes, No, Yes. I have a photo of him in his crate, though I think that not unlike my own girl Pipet, he is starting to see the crate as possible punishment rather than a home base, which we know also does not work out well in the long run…but then I do not use crates in my home......It is my understanding he is fine in the crate cages for the driving aspect. I will confirm this with Tessa right now.

  • He has not had it at all "bad" really, he is just seen a lot of moving in the last 10 day's. Before that he was with his 4 month owner which was his only home after birth and life with mom. Yes, he has been to 2 other homes in the last 8 day's…so this is by no means a troubled dog, he is a bit confused to be sure, but not wrecked by endless owners or anything. I am quite sure he will settle in very nicely with me and Pipet given love, patience and lots more love!


    I'll start by saying that at no time has ANYTHING other but the full truth EVER been typed up in this format, any other course or conjecture to some form of a lie is an insult to the current owner and me.

    So, Yes, Diesel did bite the woman who was trying to get him to go into an unwanted crate. She is fine, unflustered and sadly, with small children around, she wishes to again put Diesel out to another owner, and that owner is again…ME! At this point all the cards are dealt and it is been stripped to the barest bones of the situation, Diesel needs a home within one week or he goes to the SHELTER. This would be a massive injustice to him as he is just a baby and only just learning....and that, at the hands of inexperienced Basenji owners who really have tried their best but cannot make it work.

    My home is perfect and well appointed for Diesel and we can get by and take very good care of him. I believe my 5 year old Pipet, will do just fine with him given time and training and all the love to work them together and help them form a solid canine bond as only Basenji's know how. So, if ANYONE can assist me in getting Diesel across this portion of the Mid West it would be a blessing for him and a miracle for us all. He is in Eau Claire, WI and I am in Pontiac, Mi. I can get to just south of Chicago and back home in a day, this way I do not need to overnight anywhere, though I will be prepared to do so if need be. I will be the point person to get any interested party in touch with the owner Tessa, who is a very nice young woman and the person in Wisconsin who certainly cares the most about Diesel, we need to help soothe her aching heart and get Diesel home.


    Really Dave, do you honestly believe that?

    There is no conjecture here or any insult. The original person that posted and claimed to own this Dog (Diesel) said that she had figured out and solved the biting issue. Apparently this is not true? Want to dispute that?

    Did you ever track down the original owner/s and speak with them? Did you ever receive or see any proof of distemper or rabies shots?

    Would it surprise you to know that original poster attempted to make a profit when she listed Diesel on Craigs list over what she paid for the dog originally?

    Its time to wake up and smell the coffee, not everyone tells the truth!

    We are not saying we do not want you to have Diesel. We do now and did before and certainly think its a better situation for him. Its really too bad you did not get him to start with.

    By the way the original name of this dog was Roscoe.

  • I've followed all these threads, but thanks just the same. I am not interested in his past as he is a baby, he needs a stable home and that is my issue He also has Vet papers regarding shots and whatnot that I will require for ownership to be transferred. We'll sort out what he wants to be called if he gets here.

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