Yes, Spencer was on pain meds last night. The first night (Saturday) after the surgery, the vet was reluctant to give him pain meds, because he seemed nauseous, and she was afraid they would make him vomit. Vomiting would have been a real setback, because it would aggravate his throat and tongue, worsen the ulcers, possibly cause bleeding and cause him to lose what little food I had been able to get down him. Sunday morning I thought Spencer was in pain, so the vet came in and gave him an antibiotic shot and a pain shot, along with subQ fluids. I took two syringes home and gave him another round of antibiotic and pain shots before bedtime. Thankfully, they relaxed him, and we both got some sleep.
Today, he got an antibiotic shot, but no pain shot, because most of his pain seems to have dissipated, and no subQs, because he is finally drinking enough. He will go on antiobiotic capsules tomorrow and possibly get a shot of Dexamethasone to stimulate his appetite. This ordeal has cost him six pounds– more than 25% of his body weight. The worst is over, though, and I will fix him all sorts of yummy things to gradually get the weight back on. I appreciate everybody's concern and interest-- the response has been amazing and truly touching!