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Preparing a Basenji for the Show ring

Breeder Talk
  • Hello everyone!

    I am going to be entering two of my Basenjis into this upcoming show. I have been to a few shows to observe but i have never actually entered any shows. I have a few questions and would love some feedback from experienced showers.

    How do I know which groups to enter the dogs in? Can they be entered into more than one thing at a show?

    What do i need to do to the dog as far as grooming. Do i need special things to put in the coat? I have heard some people shave that true?!? Do i just need to give it a bath, trim nails, and maybe some leave in conditioner?

    How do i find out where we will be stationed while there and do i need to stay at the designated spot at all times?

    What do i need to bring with me? Basics and what you advise on bringing.

    Can i bring a camera and take pictures? Can i use something to record shows?

    How do you go about getting the Cerf done when you go there?

    Please tell me EVERYTHING i would need to know. As a beginning shower, id like to know everything since i have never entered one before. I want to do it right. Thanks so much!

    I hope to hear from you all, thanks a bunch!

  • Have you been able to have/find a mentor to take you through the show process? I would think that would be the ultimate way to learn about showing.

    All your questions seem reasonable, and I am sure someone on this forum will be able to answer your questions. Good luck on your first show!

  • Please go to There is a section for beginners in the show ring.

    Why would you want to get CERF done before you go? Not needed for the show ring.

    You can only enter one class in Basenjis. So depending on your dogs age and what the show offers (you need to check the premium list for the classes offered), you can enter any one class except Bred By Exhibitor Class as that is only for peope that are the breeder and owner of the dog entered.

    After the entries are closed (about a week before the show) you will get the schedule. That will tell you how many are entered, ring number, time they will show. You want to be there no less then 45 minutes before you show. Since your first show, a hour before would be better so that your dog can get used to the goings on.

    Bath and nails, you never shave them. Clean up tail hairs if it is a bushy tail.

    And if you search the forums there are posts about trimming and tails

  • And if you look at the judging program (or premium, I forget where it is), they usually have a time set aside to explain general things to "first time exhibitors" at the superintendent's desk. I never went to one of these but it may be of interest to you if you have general questions. Granted, it may scheduled after you actually show for the first time. :rolleyes:

  • There are some really good books out there for beginners too. If you go to you can find a ton of books :)

  • @Kipawa:

    Have you been able to have/find a mentor to take you through the show process? I would think that would be the ultimate way to learn about showing.

    All your questions seem reasonable, and I am sure someone on this forum will be able to answer your questions. Good luck on your first show!

    Thanks for the reply. I dont have any mentors that are close to me. Everyone is far far away and i cant really learn with just words, i like hands on and experience.

    but thank you! ill keep my eyes open

  • @tanza:

    Please go to There is a section for beginners in the show ring.

    Why would you want to get CERF done before you go? Not needed for the show ring.

    You can only enter one class in Basenjis. So depending on your dogs age and what the show offers (you need to check the premium list for the classes offered), you can enter any one class except Bred By Exhibitor Class as that is only for peope that are the breeder and owner of the dog entered.

    After the entries are closed (about a week before the show) you will get the schedule. That will tell you how many are entered, ring number, time they will show. You want to be there no less then 45 minutes before you show. Since your first show, a hour before would be better so that your dog can get used to the goings on.

    Bath and nails, you never shave them. Clean up tail hairs if it is a bushy tail.

    And if you search the forums there are posts about trimming and tails

    Ok. Many things to reply to. Thank you for the section. I appreciate it. Ill read it here in a few minutes.

    Second. I dont want the Cerf done for the show ring, i want it done for the pure reason of having health testing and know what my girls are when it comes to the test.

    Third. Thank you for clarifying how many i can enter. However i am curious, how come people will enter their downs in different classes then? Ex. Mia was entered into BOB and puppy class (which she won both of!!) so if you can only enter one, how was that possible? I am very curious as i dont understand. and yes of course. thank you

    Thank you!! That was vital information needed to know! Being there an hour before the show, CHECK! :) And thanks, ill keep an eye out for the schedule when i finish the entries (i believe it is not open til middle of this month)

    Ok thank you. I was always curious about the grooming. I didnt think it was right, grooming a basenji…a short haired dog. lol to me its funny, but maybe it is not to anyone else. Anyways thanks again for that. I did already do the post searching and happened upon the tail and grooming posts and have read them all.

    thanks again!

  • NEMO "And if you look at the judging program (or premium, I forget where it is), they usually have a time set aside to explain general things to "first time exhibitors" at the superintendent's desk. I never went to one of these but it may be of interest to you if you have general questions. Granted, it may scheduled after you actually show for the first time. "

    I did see that!! Thank you for reminding me. I have to figure out when it is and where it is. says to look in "whatever" place but i didnt end up finding it. So i guess ill have to look harder or contact them. thanks tho, i appreciate the input!

  • @Quercus:

    There are some really good books out there for beginners too. If you go to you can find a ton of books :)

    Thanks a bunch! ill check it out and see what i can find! :)

  • Thank you everyone for the great advice! I hope to hear from even more and on specifics. Its always fun to get knowledge from experienced showers. First hand education from them is always awesome to hear! Thanks again

  • @misspodhradsky:

    Second. I dont want the Cerf done for the show ring, i want it done for the pure reason of having health testing and know what my girls are when it comes to the test.

    Third. Thank you for clarifying how many i can enter. However i am curious, how come people will enter their downs in different classes then? Ex. Mia was entered into BOB and puppy class (which she won both of!!) so if you can only enter one, how was that possible? I am very curious as i dont understand. and yes of course. thank you

    Not really sure I understand the question above or who Mia is? However, I would say the Mia was only entered in Puppy Class and won that class, then she would compete for Winners, if winners is awarded to Mia, then would compete in BOB automatically. If there were no other dogs entered, Mia would have been winner of the puppy class, winners and then BOB by default. (However the judge can withhold placements if they feel the dog is not of the correct quality)

    As far as CERF, ask your Vet for a recommendation for an Ophthalmologist or you can go to
    and search for one in your area.

  • @tanza:

    Not really sure I understand the question above or who Mia is? However, I would say the Mia was only entered in Puppy Class and won that class, then she would compete for Winners, if winners is awarded to Mia, then would compete in BOB automatically. If there were no other dogs entered, Mia would have been winner of the puppy class, winners and then BOB by default. (However the judge can withhold placements if they feel the dog is not of the correct quality)

    As far as CERF, ask your Vet for a recommendation for an Ophthalmologist or you can go to
    and search for one in your area.

    Yes, you only enter the dog once. The only exceptions to that would be if you were entering the same dog in conformation and obedience, rally or agility at the same show…or if it was something like a specialty and you were entering the dog in sweeps, and regular classes, or brood bitch or something like that. Under NORMAL circumstances you only enter the dog in one class at each show.

  • I was wondering if the reason she was asking about CERF is because there might be a clinic at the dog show she is entered at. To the OP - is that the case - is there an eye clinic at your upcoming show?

  • @tanza:

    Not really sure I understand the question above or who Mia is? However, I would say the Mia was only entered in Puppy Class and won that class, then she would compete for Winners, if winners is awarded to Mia, then would compete in BOB automatically. If there were no other dogs entered, Mia would have been winner of the puppy class, winners and then BOB by default. (However the judge can withhold placements if they feel the dog is not of the correct quality)

    As far as CERF, ask your Vet for a recommendation for an Ophthalmologist or you can go to
    and search for one in your area.

    Mia is my newest addition. Africanadian Mia of AhrmahrNahr.

    Oh ok! I understand. Well i know there were at least 3 others in the ring. but i am not sure what the end total of basenjis came out to be. Sanda has been so kind and amazing and i thank her very much for the opportunity to co-own Mia with her. She is completing her Canadian Championship. So i am unsure of how many were entered but i knew of at least 3.

    The Cerf is at the dog show, hence why i was asking about it. I figured it would be smart to just do it there…if it is ok to do.

  • @Quercus:

    Yes, you only enter the dog once. The only exceptions to that would be if you were entering the same dog in conformation and obedience, rally or agility at the same show…or if it was something like a specialty and you were entering the dog in sweeps, and regular classes, or brood bitch or something like that. Under NORMAL circumstances you only enter the dog in one class at each show.

    Ok, thank you Andrea for clarifying that. I think i understand now :)

  • @renaultf1:

    I was wondering if the reason she was asking about CERF is because there might be a clinic at the dog show she is entered at. To the OP - is that the case - is there an eye clinic at your upcoming show?

    Thank you, YES! That is exactly why i was asking. In the show in october, they have a CERF Clinic there on Friday. I figured it would be smart to just get it done for both girls since we would be there anyways. However i didnt know if it was a good idea, hence why i asked if it would be smart to do. There isnt an age limit on Cerf is there..besides after 1? i believe?? Am i correct? thanks everyone

  • Only a good idea if it is "after" you show because they dilate the eyes.

    And if you co-own, that person should be your mentor? So you do have one.

  • No need to wait to the age of 1 to CERF. Responsible breeders routinely CERF eyes of pups before they go to their new homes. I also agree with Pat, you want to do it after you show since they put drops in the eyes to dilate them.

    I also think it is required they they be microchipped before they can CERF - seem to remember that last year when I went on my own (usually go with my kids breeders) to a CERF clinic. Wasn't a problem because all of mine are chipped, but I think some folks had issues because their dogs were not chipped. I know I had to have the AKC reg info as well.

    I'll pay more attention when I go to the eye clinic again in at the end of September.

  • Whitney, I think most of your questions have been addressed except a few.

    1. At an unbenched show, you don't have a designated area, you just arrive at your ring about 10 or 15 minutes before your scheduled time, get your armband from the steward and wait for them to call your class. You will want to stake out a place to wait and put your crates, grooming box, son (if he's along), while you wait for your time. Are you showing both dogs? That could be a problem for you if they both win their classes and have to go in together for Winners. You will need a backup handler available if that happens. They don't have to be experienced or 'properly' dressed even.

    2. Yes, someone can take pictures or video you while you're in the ring (obviously you can't do that yourself while you're showing, LOL!)

    3. We are always ridiculously overprepared, but you should bring: extra show lead and collar in case of breakage or Basenji munching through lead, bait, naturally, that you can break into small bits that won't get your pockets all yucky, water for the dogs and for you, baggies so you can pick up their poop, paper towels in case of crate accidents…maybe some baby wipes to wipe them down if they need it. Of course, you could bring cool coats for the dogs if it's hot or warm coats if it's cold, extra chair, a book in case you win Breed and have to hang out all day waiting for Group, ex-pens for the same reason (Optimism Rules!), snacks for you so you don't have to eat expensive dog show food, extra cash so you can visit the vendors for all those things you realize you just HAVE to have once you see them, etc, etc, etc

    Good luck, and have a great time!!


  • @tanza:

    Only a good idea if it is "after" you show because they dilate the eyes.

    And if you co-own, that person should be your mentor? So you do have one.

    Thank you. Well they are open 10am to 5 pm. So what if she shows after that? Do i just not get it done? And if they are the only two in the ring, would it matter? Also, How many dogs do you have to have in the ring to get a point?

    Well, She is kinda my mentor i guess in a way. We talk about everything and she helps me alot and explains many things for me! So i guess so! lol What is a mentor supposed to do anyways? Dont they need to be there in person to help me? Or just offer up advice and help?

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