Escaping Playpen
So for those of you who think that Basil doesn't have any basenji in him… this morning when I put him in his playpen before I left for work he climbed up the side of it and hopped onto his kennel then screamed at me to rescue him. He's never done this before (that I know of). So I put his dog bed on top of the kennel so he couldn't climb up there. He usually only has access to this dog bed when I'm in another room for somewhere for him to lay. When I came home at lunch, everything was fine. He was calm and everything was as I left it. Then i got home at the end of the day.... his dog bed was in his play pen... he had chewed a huge hole all the way through the center of the dog bed. I found him on top of the kennel whining. Now my question is... I'm gone for 4.5 hours in the morning then I come home for an hour and gone again for 3 hours. Mostly every single day I have come home to dry puppy pads and no accidents. Should I start just straight kenneling him while I'm at work? What should I do? I don't want him to end up hurting himself trying to escape or escaping and hurting himself by doing something else like chewing a cord.
If it's an exercise pen can you get a top for it? I had to Do that with Oakley and even after he couldn't get out from the top he used his nose to push it from room to room and I came home to a bloody and bruised nose. For a visual this was a 4'x4'x4 wire exercise pen with metal wire top! After a week of that I gave up And he is now double masterlocked into his kennel! O, the price of safety!!
Good advice.
And any and all pups… Basenji or not will try and climb out of a pen they don't want to be in.... so that is not just a Basenji trait
As they say "put a lid on it"
I'll try to find a top for it, thanks… the basenji comment was a joke :p because all of you complain about your escape artists.
LOL I have had worse escape artists than Basenjis… but it's rare. Yep a top on it.