Magdeburger Zoo
I always love seeing pictures of Ryan and the two boys. Not only are your pictures all of great quality, but they are a lovely storybook of Ryan as he grows. Years down the road, you can show him all of these photos, especially show them to his chosen partner, who will get a big kick out of them!
Sorry about the owie ear. it doesn't look too bad, so hopefully there won't be any scaring, but you are right, healthy is the important thing.
Thank you SO much for sharing the pics! You are so lucky to be able to take your pups to the zoo.
Thank you all for your nice words, chaffies ear is healing well only there will stay a white mark. The scar is completely lightcolored and I?m hoping there will grow new hairs on it in the future.
But the wound is totally healed and looking calm and nice.. he hasn?t any pain anymore so I am really happy!