The annual cost of owning a Dog
The only time I had a problem with collar chewing was with Mickii's litter and Mickii chewing off each of her babies collars…ggg.... since Mickii had the collar chewing gene... I just never left collars on mine at home... not that I thought of doing doing so anyway. I don't believe in collars at home particularly when I have more then one. I have seen dogs play/fight and get caught up in a collar.. it is not pretty.. and when am not home, since I don't have to crate them, I don't put collars on them.
About 12 months ago, my MIL decided to work out for herself EXACTLY how much we would be spending on dog food ;). Why ???…............. I have no idea...
She then told my hubby that she had worked it out and that each dog would cost us................................................................................................................................................. $9000, (Aussie Dollars...), in food alone, AND we had 6 dogs at the time, too :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:
I have NO idea what she thought we were feeding them, perhaps top quality rump/scotch steak, seafood, caviar etc, all washed down with Moet Chandon :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
The only time I had a problem with collar chewing was with Mickii's litter and Mickii chewing off each of her babies collars…ggg.... since Mickii had the collar chewing gene... I just never left collars on mine at home... not that I thought of doing doing so anyway. I don't believe in collars at home particularly when I have more then one. I have seen dogs play/fight and get caught up in a collar.. it is not pretty.. and when am not home, since I don't have to crate them, I don't put collars on them.
Ahhh Pat, you don't have children…. dogs MUST wear collars....
one shot out the door by a neighbor kid and they are running down the busiest road in the neighborhood.I lost a half-AF bitch that way...
so they all wear collars when loose.
Naked in their crates. -
Ahhh Pat, you don't have children…. dogs MUST wear collars....
one shot out the door by a neighbor kid and they are running down the busiest road in the neighborhood.I lost a half-AF bitch that way...
so they all wear collars when loose.
Naked in their crates.Exactly… if I did, I might have different ideas/thoughts... well unless you consider Ted as a "big" kid!!!! :D
Exactly… if I did, I might have different ideas/thoughts... well unless you consider Ted as a "big" kid!!!! :D
I never had the collars on my last 2 when in the house. If they got out they stayed in front. Now I left the collar off my new guy, Buddy and he got out an open gate. I got him back because of his chip and I got a lecture from Karen at Medfly that I should never have his collar off.
I never had the collars on my last 2 when in the house. If they got out they stayed in front. Now I left the collar off my new guy, Buddy and he got out an open gate. I got him back because of his chip and I got a lecture from Karen at Medfly that I should never have his collar off.
Again, personal choice. If I had only one then I would "maybe" consider leaving the collar on… but when I have more then one, I worry way more about them getting caught in or on something when I am not home. Again, I do not have to crate when we are at work and they have access to the dog room and the back yard.
I had collars all the dogs at one time. Until Zest got her mouth caught on malinois #1's collar twice in the span of about 2 months. I thought it a fluke the first time, so I kept collars on dogs. Fortunately, I was right there and the mali had a quick release collar and no damage was done to anyone. Just a few days ago I found this: may be getting a few new collars afterall.
This product looks very similar to Premier's Keepsafe Collar.
Again, personal choice. If I had only one then I would "maybe" consider leaving the collar on… but when I have more then one, I worry way more about them getting caught in or on something when I am not home. Again, I do not have to crate when we are at work and they have access to the dog room and the back yard.
Pat, didn't you cross post something from Dr. Jo a while back about one of her dogs catching its mouth on a collar of another dog, or its mouth on its own collar (or something like that) - I seem to remember that.
UPDATE: I found it, this was the thread: -
Wow, that is scary.
I am torn, I want them to be safe with their tags on, yet safe so they won't get hurt…I guess in the big scheme of things I rather them run away then die from strangulation...but I don't want them to run away either..
Otis and Moses are chipped but my two smaller dogs aren't..and even if they were, I also want them to have their tags on, in case a person finds them, but doesn't want to take them to a vet to find out if they are chipped or not.Has anybody on here used those breakaway collars or the daycare setting collars? If so, speak up please and tell me what you think of them.
I have the premier keepsafe collar and I've been happy with it. Piper doesn't wear a collar in the house, just because I prefer her not to wear one, and the chance of escape is pretty low. But I use the breakaway collar when we're at field trials and she's in an expen, mostly to give me a handle when I'm taking her out. And with all the bouncing around she does in the expen I'm nervous leaving a regular collar on her since she could get it caught. I won't walk her on it though because she could slip it since it's not a martingale but it works well for just putting a tag on her safely. And if she was going to wear a collar all the time in the house it would definitely be the breakaway collar.
The daycare collar is a little different in that it won't release by itself, you have to actually open the velcro yourself to free the dog. But the advantage is that you can grab the collar anywhere and restrain the dog with it whereas with the breakaway you have to grab around the buckle or it will open. That's why it's made for a daycare or dog park type setting where the dog is under supervision.
Pat, didn't you cross post something from Dr. Jo a while back about one of her dogs catching its mouth on a collar of another dog, or its mouth on its own collar (or something like that) - I seem to remember that.
UPDATE: I found it, this was the thread: thread pretty much convinced me not to have collars on my dogs, even though I'm torn about it in the instance that they could escape (happened one time with Nemo when part of my fence blew down in a windstorm)
Even so, my dogs have the collar chewing "genes" too, so they don't last long if left on.
Thanks Jarodkjv for your knowledge and input on those collars. I guess I should check them out. The only reason, being that I have children other then my own that sometimes visit, and they are not vigilant to the signs and knowledge of the dogs getting out if front door is cracked open..
To all of you with dog collar chewers, I purchased Lupine for Otis, in Martingale style (however they have regular styles as well, and harnesses and leashes). They have a 100% lifetime warranty on their products even if chewed.
Otis had just chewed his in three large pices so I took the pices to the store where I got them and walked out with a brand new -
That thread pretty much convinced me not to have collars on my dogs, even though I'm torn about it in the instance that they could escape (happened one time with Nemo when part of my fence blew down in a windstorm)
Even so, my dogs have the collar chewing "genes" too, so they don't last long if left on.
I had been warned about collars being left on in the house unsupervised. Then Pat posted the note from Dr. Jo - that was enough for me to not ever let them wear a collar out of my sight - inside or outdoors. They only have collars on when I walk them, the minute I'm inside or they are free to run in our yard, off they come.
All 3 of mine have the "collar chewing gene" anyway, so I also don't want to take the chance they chew off a collar and swallow part of it creating a blockage. For me it isn't about the cost of replacing a collar - I get bored so they have many collars & leads, it is mainly about their safety.
Again, my personal preference only!
I do understand this
For me it isn't about the cost of replacing a collar
it is a safety thing more then anything..