Fluid build-up in stomach- HELP
Sarah, I just read this thread..I am so sorry to hear about Meeka, you are all in our thoughts and prayers this morning. I will send positive vibes coming your way.
Please keep us updated, I know tuesday can't come fast enough. -
I called the vet- they advised not to bring her back today since she is eating/drinking, and not in pain. the side that is larger is the side they drew fluid from yesterday, so she said some fluid may have leaked and formed a pocket on that side. so as long as she is comfortable i will keep her at home with us. i will keep you all updated. thanks for the thoughts and prayers.
So sorry to hear about Meeka, hope she remains comfortable and that the outcome is treatable.
I wish you the best with Meeka. As for the update, I would probably say kidney function is up.
I think that would the kidney values would be up (BUN and Creatinine) , not the kidney function, most likely the function is decreasing
I'm so saddened to read this thread. Hope you find a diagnosis soon and a treatment plan to help your Meeka.
Hydration is important. Let her drink…BUT... intake and out-put could be a key to a diagnosis. Hyper-hydration can be as fatal as dehydration. Please regulate water intake until your vet advises differently.
My heart goes out to you. I will pray for wisdom and direction for you guys, and that any results from tests are accurate.
I was taught to use a little Olive Oil ® to help with meds. -plus when they do not want to eat due to health. Tablespoon. However, I would suggest speaking with your vet. if you give along with meds. - Suggestion about broth earlier is excellant ... also, I figure you know already, to keep as much energy in your baby to fight and function - giving nutri-cal type product esp. since Meeka is not eating- I've been in this type of fight before.Will say prayers for you all, D
I am still hoping and praying that Meeka is feeling better and that there will be an answer tomorrow for you and Meeka when you visit your vet.
this is probably a stupid question- but they were throwing so much information at me when we were there Saturday.. I dont remember them saying anything about the kidney.. Does the blood test give them the kidney levels?
Yes, it does give the kidney value levels in a blood test. They might have been in the normal range at that time, but could have gone off since then if she is drinking and peeing more now. Good sometimes to get a copy of the results.. then you can look at it at home… most will show what the normal ranges should be.
I called to get the results of the fluid sample (not back yet) and told them about the increase drinking/peeing..
She is doing the same today.. it looks like there is more fluid build up in the stomach, one side is still hanging very low, but today its more "filled" than it was yesterday. I'm just happy to get back to the vet tomorrow..
i hope everything goes ok tomorrow for Meeka