Yeah, we just got her Fanconi results back – she's clear/normal (yay!). I posted about it here in a babbly little message:
No more accidents since then, and her mood/energy seems normal. One other thing she was doing, however, was vomiting yellow froth in the mornings. Not every morning, but only in the morning before she's been fed (it's happened about four times now). When something similar happened with Bowdu in the past, the vet said it was probably just an upset stomach from acid buildup, so we are spacing out feeding and providing a light snack at night. This seems to have helped, but I read that vomiting is also a possible symptom of UTIs in dogs. The timing seems a bit off though, so I'm not convinced the two (occasional vomiting/one accident in the house) are related.
I've gotten off-topic from my own original question, which was an anatomy question about bladder sizes in dogs which I was genuinely curious about. Heh!