I would make sure a blood chemistry test is done prior to her surgery. I had the same apprehension as you & I guess the only thing you can do is trust the vet you choose to spay your B. The only major issue I had was Trinity's week-long bout of post surgery diarreah. Gross! I'm not sure what the root cause was, but I have a feeling the pain meds may have been a factor. I wasn't going to use them, but the first night, as she lay beside me in my bed, she let out a little moan that broke my heart. And if your girl is crazy like mine, do your best to make she she doesn't jump around - a bit hard for Trinity, that was! And the hair on the shaved area of the belly takes FOREVER to grow back…
My girl Shaye was just spayed yesterday. I discussed with the vet who was doing the surgery the issues raised by the articles concerning the sighthounds and our special little B's. She listened and talked with me about the way they did it, and as it turns out they monitor blood pressure, gave her a fluid IV, only administered what was necessary so she woke up quickly, and sent her home with seven days of pain medication. Her small hernia was taken care of at the same time as the spaying, and she is doing fine. Don't be afraid to raise the questions you might have as to whether your vet knows what to do. And like the previous lady, I definitely recmomend a pre-surgery blood workup. Your vet should have also suggested that. Shaye slept most of yesterday when she got home, slept all night, and has dozed most of today, but has eaten some and she drank some water. She was taken out (carried) last night late so she could pee, and she did - today we walked around two blocks and she did both, normally. Then she laid back down and is sleeping again. She hasn't tried for the stitched area yet, but I have the tea tree oil ready to dab around there if she does. I know you are worried - I was worried too, hardly slept the night before, but trust your vet to understand your fears and answer your questions. Good luck with your furbaby's spay.
We will be getting Akeyla spayed next Friday. I know that B's need to be put asleep like a sighthound. I was curious if something bad could happen if the were not put to sleep in that particular way? And also if vets know about the special way?
Discuss it with your Vet, that is the best thing you can do… and by all means have pre blood work done... that way you have a base line if (and that is a really big "if") something were to happen or she seemed to be having a reaction.... Here is a thread on the forum about Anesthesia