This morning when we drink coffee, Kas saw a bump on the nose of Chafuko :eek:
We scared and gave him a whole body check, and around his nose were a couple of bumps, lika a musquito bite.
We checked everyting and only around his nose, he has the bumps.
He doesn't act weird or sick, it doesn't itch, he ate very good and he has no trouble with his breath.
But for sure we searched for a phone number and an adress of a local vet, so if it becomes bad, we jump in the car and go to the vet (our car is already off the ship so thats nice to know)
A hour earlier, I counted and look at alle the bumps, it didn't get worse but I write every bump down on a paper (so I won't forget the exact place and I can keep looking after it)
I came up with this:
- 2 bumps on his nose between his nose and eyes
- 2 under his left eyes
- 1 fat lip at the right.
The bumps are all loose and he has no pain when I feel them.
I washed his nose to make sure there is no allergic fabric on his face.
Well, we think he has an reaction on a plant or someting like that. It just became spring and I have trouble with plants myself!
If it's not better this afternoon we take him to the vet just to make sure it's not someting very bad. (I don't think so, because he didn't had it yesterday)
But he scared us, and I keep checking him up…
It's so weird, I'm an vet-assistant (well, I got my graduation) but when it becomes my own dogs... :eek::(
I loose my mind...
Is anyone familiar with an allergic reaction at the face of a B?
(our Buana has a musquito allergie and will get the same bumps as Chafuko has but ons his legs and back)