Breeding Plans
The "stinky butt" is anal glands. Usually the anal glands become full and the dogs will have that smell if their bowel movements are not firm enough to express them. They can be expressed manually, you can have your vet show you how.
Oh I forgot to mention this was the other added benefit of switching Booger to Blue Buffalo! He used to have what I called "butt pee." Anytime we went to the park or hiking, he would have a solid normal poop & then run around & poop several times afterwards. All except the first poo would just be liquidy & not much to them. After we switched foods, we noticed his stools are a lot firmer, and every few days they're followed with a little burst of liquid (this is turning into the worst thread ever), which Andrew says is his anal glands expressing. We've, thank God, never had to express them & I attribute a lot of that to the food!
I never want to go down that road…..:D -
Very, very cute.
Thanks for sharing. -
They are so beautiful and snuggly looking. I just don't know if I'd be able to keep my hands off them!
ahh look at the widdle eaaaaaaaarssss
only a baby voice could portray the cuteness lol
I know….I was thinking the same thing. And that little puppy yawn!
So cute..
My, my they are looking even more adorable… they're sooooo pretty!:D