We have spent quite some time teaching Roo not to bite but I think its normal behavior for a Basenji to attempt to paw or mouth you when they want attention or something else. I have noticed that our Basenji has never really tried to bite us but if you are unprepared for them to mouth you and jerk your hand away you can unintentionally get hurt or get the impression that they are biting even when they are not.
Dallas will nip/mouth for attention. For example, in the car, he rides in the back seat. If we are not paying attention to him & he decides he wants it, he will nip at the back of our arms [which is REALLY painful!!!!!].
I also agree that walks are crucial. It really is a nice bonding time for the whole family & also serves the important task of tiring the dog out [& human!]. Tired basenjis are quiet "good" basenjis :p Isn't that a motto on here or something? lol
Oh and as for the neutering, I got Dallas' done at 10 months. I noticed he did calm down a little bit. He still has his moments where he loves to terrorize the house. However, those are much fewer & far between than before his neutering. The best part post-neuter for him was that he stopped humping!!! He was humping everything/everyone in sight up until the day before he went in for the surgery. Haha. Please let us know if you notice any changes in your boy!