What is your Definition of a Line?
Yes, and I think they all are beautiful! laugh…
I do apprecaite the PNW breeders who can help me find out if a stray basenji belongs to any special line or breeder.
Some can look at a dog and say, "oh, that looks like the XYZ line!"
Its very helpful. -
Just out of curiosity….is temperament figured into a "line"? Or is that not something that is genetically handed down?
I think temperament is one of the traits that can make a line distinct from others. There is definitely an inherited component to temperament but it will also be influenced by environment especially early socialization.
This year, I leased TC who is primarily a blend of Kenset and Tamsala lines. I see in her many behavior traits that she has in common with my own dogs who all have Kenset lines behind them. Such as, TC and Nicky both love to open cabinets and go exploring. They also rub their faces on their beds the same way after eating certain meals.
To me, a "line" is created through multiple generations of linebreeding and inbreeding which is generally accompanied by a distinct "type" that is discernable by experienced eyes.
For many years, in my area, it was easy to tell who the breeder of a dog was just by looking at that animal. Kenset, Serengeti, Candu, and UnderCover each has their own unique look that set them apart from everyone else. Today, it is not so easy to tell.
I had my first litter 16 years ago and my 6th generation is currently "in the oven". My dogs are closely linebred yet I do get a range of overall type. Do I fit my own criteria for a "line"? I am not sure I would say yes at this point but I plan to continue to work towards it.
However, you need to keep in mind when you are tightly breeding a line you can keep developing poor conformation faults, just line temperament. One of the biggest problems I see in Basenjis today is poor fronts and in particular, straight fronts, with poor movement.
Thanks so much! It is really interesting to read the opinion and thought that goes in to all of your breeding plans.
And, Andrea, do you find similarities?
Yes, particularly with Querk…great ear shape and set, nice shaped head, lots and lots of wrinkle. There is a lot of other lines mixed in there with him...but I aways thought I could see a lot of the Prune in him.
So you would say that temperment is passed down in some like nice fronts or ear sets?
So you would say that temperment is passed down in some like nice fronts or ear sets?
Nope… can have terrible fronts and/or ear sets.... since that is conformation... temperament is temperament .... can come in Basenjis that do not have correct conformation.. or ones that do.... but in breeding you have to consider all... health and temperament at the top of the list... and then you figure in conformation... it comes as a package when you are breeding correctly.. IMO...
Ok, I said it wrong, I understand you can correct ear set or physical "whatever" with adding a new line to help…but with a bad temperment...does that also correct? Or is it likely to be passed on by breeding a bad temperment b to one who is mellow?
Heavens, that is even worse.
I am asking, with a bad temperment but correct b, can you mellow the pups out by adding a correct and sweet line to it? -
Just like some dogs are prepotent for a certain physical trait they can also be prepotent for their temperament, good or bad. So if you breed a dog with an iffy temperament to a good temperament it could go either way. But the problem is that the bad temperament could pop up in later generations even if it is not in that generation.