I Am So Frustrated!
We still haven't been able to contain Blaze in the large dog run at the farm. After burying it into the ground so he couldn't dig under, then adding more links so he couldn't squeeze through, then putting a bolt through the door so he couldn't open it, then putting virticle privacy strips so he couldn't climb, then discover he could still climb up in the corners… we put the tarp over top, he ate it, then we put an extra foot of chainlink on the top that is bent inwards so he literally has to climb upside down to get over it... He escaped again.
We are back to the drawing board, and he's running free...WOW!
Thats crazy! Blaze should of been named Houdini :D What a smart B! -
Everyone should always remember that basenjis have a strong aversion to messing their living area. It is, therefore, only natural that if they have to go potty when alone in the house they will try to escape the area that they are confined in so they can potty elsewhere. It is also not surprising that once she has escaped she then finds carpet to go on since its texture is most like grass and dogs are substrate specific in their potty habits.
Understanding all of this about canine behavior does not make it any less frustrating coming home to an accident in the house but it does help us to understand their frustration when they find themselves in this situation. It also can be a starting point to figure out a way to prevent the problem in the future.
hmmm, maybe you should get a good sized chunk of shag carpet, put up a cardboard wall around it and have that in thier area… think it would work? I'm almost tempted to try. I hate putting him in his kennel when we go to work, but the poop patrol is too much work after work!
Is your b feeling better now?
It's awful isn't it? Cleaning up after these furkids are sometimes worse than doing it for babies and toddlers. Last week, Daisy had a spell throwing up in different places - on the carpeting! I had to wrangle her out the door, but by then she was done. A week or two before Daisy's episode, Duke had one…Everything in his belly evacuated on the carpet - ewwwww yuk! I would love to replace my carpeting, but I won't - yet.
They eat the same meals but I think this is from strangers giving her treats behind our backs at the dog park.
Chance's tummy has been a little upset too but he unlike Kiya will hold it until we get home. :)That is very possible…. LOL... little beggers, people can't resist those faces...
My b's do respect the baby gates…but it took treat, squirt guns and time...
Immodium does the trick.
And a crate of course.
I have only two crates in my house.
One for the girl pups and the penthouse for Tanky.Everyone is crated when I leave…
though with this weather I am going to put a cedar bed in the dog house in the run so I can leave them in the ESCAPE PROOF dog run when I am gone (cement flooring and wire-fenced top with 1/2'' x 1/2'' around the run).
I got new carpet last year and I don't trust leaving anyone in where they can touch it. -
Immodium does the trick.
And a crate of course.
I have only two crates in my house.
One for the girl pups and the penthouse for Tanky.Everyone is crated when I leave…
though with this weather I am going to put a cedar bed in the dog house in the run so I can leave them in the ESCAPE PROOF dog run when I am gone (cement flooring and wire-fenced top with 1/2'' x 1/2'' around the run).
I got new carpet last year and I don't trust leaving anyone in where they can touch it.Thanks, Kathi. I was wondering if I could give Immodium to dogs!
Not that we often have problems, but it's good to have the "go-to" info handy as needed. -
However, I would not doubt if your bitch is coming in season that could also be the reason for the "runs"…. everyone needs to consider all things that are or might be going on when their pup is not feeling up to par.... I certainly have had maiden bitches have a tummy problem just prior to their
first season... -
Fiji and I are in…:D