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Fancoi Syndrom Information

Basenji Health Issues & Questions
  • This means that she most likely has two copies of the gene for Fanconi Syndrome and will most likely become symptomatic at some point in her life. The age of onset can vary greatly. Some become symptomatic very early and some not until much later. There are currently 2 dogs that have tested as Probably Affected and are not symptomatic at over 10 years of age but this is a rare occurrence. Pet insurance will probably not cover the expenses related to treating Fanconi Syndrome but you will need to research to see for sure.

    Try strip testing a few days in a row each month since in the early stages dogs may spill sugar intermittently.

  • Sahara will be 2 in Jan. will I need to start the strip testing that early, also will vitamins help now. Thanks

  • @youngandtired:

    Well, I called and it seems Sahara is affected. Does that mean she will get the Fanconi or has a greater chance of getting it? I hate this but at least I know to make sure I start testing. Will giving her vitamine supplements help her now, and do I need Pet Insurance for all the testing that will probably be done if she does get Fanconi. Help!

    I am so sorry to hear that…. how old is Sahara? You should, if you have not been, strip testing her monthly and for a few days in a row. The earlier that you catch Fanconi, usually the better they respond to treatment. There is really nothing at this time that you can do, other then to keep her as healthy as possible... You should also print off the protocol and give to your Vet for her file. You can find it on the BCOA site

    Another thing to be prepared, you might want to ask your Vet if they do blood gases and if not were is the closes place that does. Never hurts to be proactive just in case.

    And again as Lisa points out, onset of Fanconi can been at a number of different ages… from 3 to 12....

  • @youngandtired:

    Sahara will be 2 in Jan. will I need to start the strip testing that early, also will vitamins help now. Thanks

    If she were mine, I would start now. And there is no real knowledge what might or might not help, but vitamins can't hurt, I wouldn't think. Remember that until last year we didn't have a test and therefore people didn't have the knowledge that their Basenji was predisposed for Fanconi.. they just strip tested and knew that they started to spill sugar in the urine.

    Do you have pedigree information on Sahara? I don't remember where you got her.

  • Oh, I am so very sorry your b came back affected.
    BUT I do know of a great fanconis support group.
    So, when you first see the b is spilling sugar, do let us know and I will give you the contact info.
    Seems that they do not take in folks/dogs who have not yet started to show the signs of fanconis.
    But rest assured that there is help out there for you and yours.
    Remember, you dog doesn't know it might be sick.
    So, just take your clue for living each day at a time.
    Hugs again.

  • Jazzy is affected also, and I've been thinking of starting part of the protocol now – I've already started giving her canned lamb dog food once a week, and am thinking of starting at least the Pet-tab Plus, Pet Cal w/D every day and the Centrum once a week.

    I've been considering starting the amino fuel tab, lowest dose once a week, but am not sure. I tried emailing Dr. Gonto to ask about that but never got a response.

    Being the procrastinator I am, I am still thinking......

    Jazzy's mom was diagnosed with Fanconi just after her litter was born, over three years ago. Last I heard, she's doing just fine on the protocol so I have hope. Still, it's a scary thing..... my poor baby!

  • I don't know about starting it before the dogs body needs it.
    It would be great to get some info from Dr. Gonto…
    I am so sorry that you have the knowledge you have re the fanconis...but I do think you need to try not to worry and enjoy the days the b's are in good health. Also, knowing is being in the end, in spite of the stress on you, it is good to know.
    easy to type, I know, enjoy the days and not worry..I had a fanconis boy and its hard, very hard..
    Hugs hugs hugs to all of you that have to go through this.

  • @sharronhurlbut:

    I don't know about starting it before the dogs body needs it.
    It would be great to get some info from Dr. Gonto…
    I am so sorry that you have the knowledge you have re the fanconis...but I do think you need to try not to worry and enjoy the days the b's are in good health. Also, knowing is being in the end, in spite of the stress on you, it is good to know.
    easy to type, I know, enjoy the days and not worry..I had a fanconis boy and its hard, very hard..
    Hugs hugs hugs to all of you that have to go through this.

    That's pretty much what Bryan said – no reason to be scared about it, just keep checking and be prepared for when/it happens.

    Jazz doesn't know she's affected, LOL.

    And I am so very grateful that I can know ahead of time. This really is a great time in the Basenji world. We can learn so much before the dogs develop symptoms, and really be prepared as opposed to just a year ago when it was, I am sure, like being blind-sided! I am so very grateful that I have the forewarning and opportunity to learn!

  • She is very lucky to have you honey.

  • @sharronhurlbut:

    She is very lucky to have you honey.

    I second that and everyone else that has an affected Basenji or a tested affected but not showing signs of Fanconi.

  • JazzysMom…. sometimes Dr. Gonto is traveling and misses some of his email. Try emailing him again.... usually he is really good about responding. However, if I remember correctly, he doesn't think that other then good normal care will make a difference and I don't think he recommends, other then maybe the general vits, to try and start the protocol....

    But again, all this is new to the entire fancy. Knowing before our kids showing effects of Fanconi....

  • I did email Dr. Gonto again, and I got a response this morning.
    I am SO GLAD that I asked BEFORE starting to "pre-treat" Jazzy.

    He recommended strongly AGAINST that.

    He did suggest WEEKLY STRIP TESTING, and mentioned the venous blood gas tests as a way to get an earlier "catch" of the syndrome {gee, Pat, where've we heard that before :) }

    I told him what I was thinking of doing:
    I am thinking of beginning to feed high protein canned lamb at least once a week, giving 1/2 Pet-tab and 1/2 Pet-cal w/D twice a day, 1 Centrum complete vitamin once a week, and possibly 1 amino fuel tablet once a week, holding off on the bicarb since the dosage for that would be related to the progression of the disease {from what I understand}.

    And he responded:

    I must disagree with ALL the above, since you are "replacing" what the dog is NOT losing yet (and MAY NEVER…since we are not yet sure that ALL dogs with the gene set express it). In fact, the excess vitamins and protein may HARM the kidneys!!!! All that excess MUST be renally wasted. I would just feed NORMAL good quality food, use FILTERED water for the dogs drinking (a tap end PUR, Culligan or BRITA is fine)...even a BRITA type pitcher is fine. However, FILTERED water is best for ALL your family with the stuff we are finding in our tap water now

    So now we know….....

  • Thanks for the follow up!….

  • @youngandtired:

    Sahara will be 2 in Jan. will I need to start the strip testing that early, also will vitamins help now. Thanks

    youngandtired - won't Sahara be 3 yrs old in January? I think she's the same age as Duke - as we became members about the same time when Duke and Sahara were puppies. Duke is about 2-1/2 years old now.

    I'm so sorry about her fanconi results - fingers/paws crossed she always strip tests clean.

  • I'm sorry to hear about Sahara's results. I know how you feel, Apache came back as probably affected also. I started strip testing immediately and hold my breath each time…even knowing it could be years or never that the color changes. I will most likely do the blood gas test on him when he turns three and other then that just keep him heathy and happy and cherish each day.

    Jazzy's Mom..thanks for that info.

  • Yes, Sahara will be 3 in Jan, I'll tell you I haven't been sane lately. Sahara being diagnosed probable affected has gotten ahold of me. She and Duke are very close in age, DUH!!!!

  • I am so sorry about your b's health, but remember, the dog isn't sick now.
    So, try to enjoy the days and take it one day at a time.
    We will be here to help you when the worst happens.
    I think part of the plan is how dogs teach us to just enjoy the now…
    They don't worry about the future or "what if" they just know they are loved and happy at this moment.
    Hugs dear.

  • Youngandtired…it's normal to be feeling that way. I often wonder if it's a blessing or a curse knowing. It's always going to be in the back of your mind each time you look at her, but it will get better. Sharron is right..she's not sick now... and may never get sick. Enjoy each day as they do and IF the time comes, you'll do whatever you can to keep her healthy. Remember, many dogs live a long and wonderful life on the protocol.


  • @Rivermoon:

    Youngandtired…it's normal to be feeling that way. I often wonder if it's a blessing or a curse knowing. It's always going to be in the back of your mind each time you look at her, but it will get better. Sharron is right..she's not sick now... and may never get sick. Enjoy each day as they do and IF the time comes, you'll do whatever you can to keep her healthy. Remember, many dogs live a long and wonderful life on the protocol.


    I think it is a "blessing and a curse"…. I would want to know so that I can be that much more diligent about strip testing and/or getting Blood Gases done... and a curse because like you said.. it is always in the back of your mind.

  • Having had and lost a fanconis b made me realize lots of things.
    One is that knowledge gives you power to watch and maybe delay things.
    BUT dwelling on the end, and I did this as well…until someone I loved said, hey, we are all going to die.
    None of us know when...if you live dreading the death, then that is NO life.
    So, take time to get your head and heart together, reflect on your beliefs and know we share the joy you have each day with your basenji.
    If you find, down the road, your basenji is ill, we will share the caring and support with you.
    Sorry this is so much into beliefs, but in my mind, this is what these dogs teach and enjoy each day...

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