Hello and greeting from Israel!
My name Hila Hadar, living in Israel and currently has one Cairn Terrier.
I am 15 years old and am a junior handler and handling my dog in shows for the last 3 years. Recently I searched around the net and came across the Basenji breed which I fell in love with at once. I absolutely fell for their special character, their “yodeling” singing and last but not least, their noble elegant looks.In Israel there are no Basenjis, though there was a couple some years ago. The breeding was not taken very seriously and the dogs have never been shown.
Right now i'm in contact with some breeders and hopefully i'll import the first Basenji to Israel since 10 years,next year.
I hope i'll learn from you and you'll know me better.
Welcome, this is a great place to learn.
Hi and welcome!
Welcome to the pack! :)