My Myspace
wrote on 9 Apr 2008, 14:49 last edited by
Hey Everyone,
My myspace page has apparently been compromised. Started out that I couldn't send messages or post comments this morning, and now I can't even log in.
DO NOT OPEN ANY BULLETINS, etc from me until I get this fixed!! -
wrote on 9 Apr 2008, 16:30 last edited by
Hey Everyone,
My myspace page has apparently been compromised. Started out that I couldn't send messages or post comments this morning, and now I can't even log in.
DO NOT OPEN ANY BULLETINS, etc from me until I get this fixed!!This happens quite often. It's sad to say but people try to find way to put viruses into Myspace so when you open a bulliten you will spam all of your friends. Its happened to me too!
What you need to do is change your password every few weeks to keep people from obtaining your information. This should help. :) -
wrote on 9 Apr 2008, 16:49 last edited by
This happens quite often. It's sad to say but people try to find way to put viruses into Myspace so when you open a bulliten you will spam all of your friends. Its happened to me too!
What you need to do is change your password every few weeks to keep people from obtaining your information. This should help. :)I have changed my password four times today alone! I am still waiting to hear back from customer service. :mad:
wrote on 9 Apr 2008, 16:58 last edited by
wow! Sounds like Myspace got hit hard this time. It's unfortunate that people do that.
I actually became so tired of the spam that I just stopped using it all together and went to Facebook and Bebo instead. -
wrote on 9 Apr 2008, 18:06 last edited by
I've never had a problem before with myspace, so this has thrown me. I haven't had a problem with SPAM either, and I use a separate yahoo! account for sites like those, not my regular email accounts.
I have Facebook page, but I just don't "get" it. A lot of people keep sending me pictures, flowers, gifts…. but I can't receive them unless I add those applications,which I won't do because I don't trust all that stuff. Half the time I can't figure out how to read messages people send me... LOL, I am soooo slow.
wrote on 9 Apr 2008, 18:14 last edited by
I've never had a problem before with myspace, so this has thrown me. I haven't had a problem with SPAM either, and I use a separate yahoo! account for sites like those, not my regular email accounts.
I have Facebook page, but I just don't "get" it. A lot of people keep sending me pictures, flowers, gifts…. but I can't receive them unless I add those applications,which I won't do because I don't trust all that stuff. Half the time I can't figure out how to read messages people send me... LOL, I am soooo slow.
Tell me about it. :rolleyes: Technology is flying by so fast these days. Its hard to keep up. Facebook is a little hard to understand and it took me forever to figure out all those needless applications. -
wrote on 9 Apr 2008, 18:24 last edited by
Admittedly, MySpace is getting old for me. There is so much trash on there it's pathetic. I rarely check my account on there anymore. All I ever get is friend requests from spam and cam whores and it's very annoying.
Facebook is a bit more difficult to understand with regard to the interface, but once you get the hang of it, it's rather easy. If you think back to when you first started using MySpace, then it's really not that much different with regard to the learning curve.
They are all plagued with losers who want to cause problems for everyone else, though… There was a cheerleader that was lured into a house and beaten unconscious - and then beaten again because she alleged 'talked sh!t' on her MySpace page and a bunch of other cheerleaders ganged up on her. Allegedly, her account was hacked and someone ELSE wrote the stuff on there that got her attacked. I'm just glad that all of the cheerleaders who beat her up got charged as adults. Their reason? They wanted to have something showing how tough they were and what happens to you if you cross them for everyone to see on THEIR MySpace page... People saw it alright...the COPS! Stupidity appears to be a growing epidemic in this country these days.
For those interested in the story: -
wrote on 10 Apr 2008, 04:18 last edited by
Tucker, OMG! kids are soooooo cruel!
i too, am trying to learn the ways of facebook…it is strange. for some reason it is really uncomfortable to CHANGE. hahaha. i am a fuddy duddy.
wrote on 10 Apr 2008, 06:26 last edited by
I do believe I'm "all clean" now and back up and running.
What a PIA!
wrote on 10 Apr 2008, 11:08 last edited by
Tucker, OMG! kids are soooooo cruel!
Yes they are…
I did some more research on this and found mugshots of all 8 kids involved. They all look like white trash to me.
The comments are especially funny.. "Somebody needs to take out the trash…" LOL!
wrote on 10 Apr 2008, 17:12 last edited by
I have changed my password four times today alone! I am still waiting to hear back from customer service. :mad:
I would suggest changing your email address too, I had the same problem awhile back
wrote on 10 Apr 2008, 17:32 last edited by
Yes they are…
I did some more research on this and found mugshots of all 8 kids involved. They all look like white trash to me.
The comments are especially funny.. "Somebody needs to take out the trash…" LOL!
This type of stuff has happend far too often. Not too long ago a mother decided to create a bogus myspace account just so she could appear to be a boy having an online relationship with a teenage girl named Megan Meier. Apparently the mother then gave her user name and password to fellow school mates of the young girl so they could "gang up" on her. As a result of the online attacks Megan Meier committed suicide.
The parents went to authorities but they really could not do anything.I took a class in school on electronic evidence and I had to to do research on this type of stuff. In the not too distant future, cyber bullying will be considered a crime and authorities will be able to take action.
You would be surprised to see how vicious kids can be online. :mad: