Chance Neuter Update
Vanessa - When Duke was neutered, I noticed swelling at the incision. I called vet and he said it's normal - but to keep it clean and that Neosporin or Bacitracin would be OK as a topical antibiotic. The week after we went camping and it was almost all healed - felt better about taking him with us. The trick using the ointment was to watch him like a hawk so as not to let him lick it all off.
Keoki had some swelling and a little "goopiness" at his incision site. I guess, because I have so many kids and see "stuff" all the time, I took a "wait and see" approach. It cleared itself right up w/in a day or so.
We never used the collar, so I'm assuming he took care of it himself…...I'd watch for red lines coming out from the incision site, though. That'd be a pretty clear sign of infection.
Sometimes just the serous fluid that oozes out as an incision heals looks a little yellowish. It isn't necessarily a sign of infection, but a sign of healing. I would defintiely keep an eye on it. But as JM mentioned redness (like angry redness and tracking lines) are a more reliable indicator of infection.
The day after his surgery the whole area was fire engine red. That since has diminished. Im going to keep his collar on and just clean it out with Witch Hasle since it doesn't sting.
This really sucks though…I felt bad taking him in and now this to top it off. I feal awful! Poor guy. -
Poor guy…poor Vanessa! I'm sure the compresses and witch hazel will have him healed in no time.
The day after his surgery the whole area was fire engine red. That since has diminished. Im going to keep his collar on and just clean it out with Witch Hasle since it doesn't sting.
This really sucks though…I felt bad taking him in and now this to top it off. I feal awful! Poor guy.Wow, poor guys is right… I have never had that happen, even with a bitch that took out all but one stitch... years ago.... Was this a Vet that you had been to in the past?
Wow, poor guys is right… I have never had that happen, even with a bitch that took out all but one stitch... years ago.... Was this a Vet that you had been to in the past?
We decided to take him to Adobe Animal Hospital.
My opinion is that Chance has always been a small boy. He had some health problems as a pup. I think he just has a weak immune system. Alex and I have paid special attention to him since the surgery…there is no way he could be aggravating it on his own. We have been watching him like a hawk. -
We decided to take him to Adobe Animal Hospital.
My opinion is that Chance has always been a small boy. He had some health problems as a pup. I think he just has a weak immune system. Alex and I have paid special attention to him since the surgery…there is no way he could be aggravating it on his own. We have been watching him like a hawk.That could be it… hears to a speedy recovery!!!!
On Friday, I told my husband about Chance's surgery and how he had external stitches. One of his co-workers had her dobe neutered about a year ago. The vet she used also did the external stitches like Chance had. She had the same issues with swelling and with the fluid leaking, her dog took nearly a month to recover fully from the surgery.
and that is interesting that they used external stitches, that is the same place that Ann goes with Crystal and Kobey. When Crystal was spayed they did not use stitches, it was glued… maybe it depends on what Vet.... as they have a number of them. I know that Ann has to fight to make sure she sees the one Vet that she likes there
It is a little hard to tell but I didn't see any stitches that would have to be removed. Those are external stitches where you actually can see the stitches. Nicky was had internal stitches and glue. Some animals can have a reaction to the glue which may cause the redness but Chance looks really red in that picture.
Yeah, I thought I saw dissolving stitches…but that looks pretty bad; not so much the incision, but the surrounding skin looks really irritated; I am glad you followed up on it.
Side note: Tim looked over while I was viewing the pic...and he was like 'what in the h&ll are you looking at!!! nevermind...I don't want to know' He wouldn't give me the chance to explain!!!
Side note: Tim looked over while I was viewing the pic…and he was like 'what in the h&ll are you looking at!!! nevermind...I don't want to know' He wouldn't give me the chance to explain!!!
Yeah…It is a little odd to look right at that :rolleyes: I felt aquward posting the picture. My poor boy..first I neuter him and now I post a picture on the web for the world to see. :eek:
Andrea-LOL!! Silly men :D :D DH is always wondering why I "inspect" the dogs so much. I'm constantly looking for ticks, cuts, bruises etc. :D :D Can't be too careful!
Vanessa-poor little chance…he knows mom has his best interest at heart inspite of the graphic expsoure :eek:
Yeah…It is a little odd to look right at that :rolleyes: I felt aquward posting the picture. My poor boy..first I neuter him and now I post a picture on the web for the world to see. :eek:
don't feel bad!!! A pic is worth a thousand words. I bet Chance would be honored to know so many people cared about what was going on with his tushy!
Andrea-LOL!! Silly men :D :D DH is always wondering why I "inspect" the dogs so much. I'm constantly looking for ticks, cuts, bruises etc. :D :D Can't be too careful!
Vanessa-poor little chance…he knows mom has his best interest at heart inspite of the graphic expsoure :eek:
:) I inspect and pick a lot too! Tim is always saying 'poor dogs…what are you DOING!?!'
Me too…poor Nala just groans and tries to get away when I start "searching" LOL!
Well, Vanessa...I think you've got your first entry for Chance's blog, "...and then after the dreaded snip-snip, she actually posted a close up of it for all the world to see! A close up!!! I'm ruined."