Neuter question
I just got Medjai back and he has been neutered. I was wondering if he is still supposed to have his testicles. I thought they are removed, but his are still there. Medjai has an incision, plus one for his umbilical hernia repair, so I know they did something.
I did call them, and am awaiting a return phone call.
I also was wondering how bad licking is. I know they are not supposed to lick, but you know them, they will find a way if they really want to, and I will not be able to watch him 24/7.
If you can not keep him from doing more than the occassional lick then you need to a no lick collar. Either one like Pat made for Kristii or the an E-collar that they sell from the vet. Anything more than the occassional lick will cause increased swelling and irritation and create complications in healing.
Before I go to an e-collar, I usually dab a tiny bit of Bitter Apple around the area of the incisions. NOT on it, because that will sting like crazy…but close enought that if they start to try to lick the smell of the Bitter Apple will discourage them from trying. Knocking on wood, I have not had to use an e-collar yet with my Bs after surgery.
I will keep those in mind, but at least for now, he just sleeps on my bed when I'm sitting in my room. When it was cooler, he was more active, but now he just gets up when I stand up, and in the evening to run around, so I don't have too much to have to watch him closely, just make sure he doesn't run too much for 2 weeks.