So it sounds like the allergy issues your boyfriend was having with Dallas have worked themselves out if you are thinking of getting a second b…that's great!
We don't want to jinx it but so far things are looking VERY positive. His huge attacks have stopped. he still occasionally will sneeze a couple times in a row or his nose will get a bit stuffy but I hooked up an air purifier, cleaned the apartment top to bottom one day while he was out, have been wiping Dallas down with allergen-reducing wipes & he is taking a combo of daily Allegra & Benedryl. Plus, with time I imagine his body will continue to adapt to the dog & everything will be good
So, as long as his allergies don't take a huge step backwards for any length of time, we plan on adding a female to our pack in January! Now to find a good breeder planning a B/W litter this fall who lives on the East Coast…Haha