Pet store basenji :(
And there is nothing wrong with asking these questions… if someone has a problem with answering, then I would say, run very fast away from that person....
One thing that should be updated however is the cost of a puppy, at least here on the West Coast, it is more like 900.00 to 1000.00. And if anyone thinks you can make money off that, go back and ready lvoss account of Rally's last litter.... that was delivered by Emer. C Section. We are lucky to break even... -
Here is another article about the sorts of things you should be looking for to determine if a breeder is responsible.
One thing that should be updated however is the cost of a puppy, at least here on the West Coast, it is more like 900.00 to 1000.00.
That's about right for this area as well.;)
Hmmm interesting. I only ask because although we have only had Dallas now for 2 months we are already talking about getting a second [a female] in January & thought about trying to research breeders now but I thought maybe it was too soon…
I don't think I contacted Midge until July for Dallas' litter & she wouldn't even take a deposit of any sort until Lia actually had the pups so she knew how many.
But good to know I should think about it now. Perhaps I will email Midge for breeders she recommends. Do any of you recommend B/w, Tri or brindle breeders? We want a B/w but would get a Tri or Brindle. I live in Florida so nothing too far ;)
So it sounds like the allergy issues your boyfriend was having with Dallas have worked themselves out if you are thinking of getting a second b…that's great! :D
So it sounds like the allergy issues your boyfriend was having with Dallas have worked themselves out if you are thinking of getting a second b…that's great! :D
We don't want to jinx it but so far things are looking VERY positive. His huge attacks have stopped. he still occasionally will sneeze a couple times in a row or his nose will get a bit stuffy but I hooked up an air purifier, cleaned the apartment top to bottom one day while he was out, have been wiping Dallas down with allergen-reducing wipes & he is taking a combo of daily Allegra & Benedryl. Plus, with time I imagine his body will continue to adapt to the dog & everything will be good :)
So, as long as his allergies don't take a huge step backwards for any length of time, we plan on adding a female to our pack in January! Now to find a good breeder planning a B/W litter this fall who lives on the East Coast…Haha
We have all come to basenjis ownership in different ways.
Mine was when I started to take in basenji fosters.
I think the neat thing about basenji ownership is that once you get one, no matter how you did it, you find you need the advice and education you can get from folks who have "been there, done that"…
This venue is great...many of the breed clubs now have basenji owners manual for first time owners, lots of good info.
The education not only helps the new basenji owner, but allows they to share the way to get a new dog into familys who are not in the basenji family.
This is all good! -
i know it would be a days drive but both robyn dubbert and gale whitehurst are in georgia. both of these ladies have excellent reputations for breeding high quality basenjis.Thanks :) I have contacted them & am waiting to hear their plans for their 2008 litters!
Do let us know if you lucky enough to get one of these wonderful b's!
The first dog I owned came from a pet store, I like to think of it as an "Uninformed decision" more than a mistake.;)
Well put. While I don't regret a minute I've spent with She-Ra (well except when she got ahold of my DVD collection :) ), I know that should I decide to bring another basenji, or any dog, into my life, I'll be forewarned and forarmed next time around.
We all started somewhere with b's.
But they are good teachers aren't they! -
They just passed one of the strongest animal cruelty bills in the nation here in Utah. I just scanned through really quick and found this: "A person is guilty of cruelty to animals if the person intentionally, knowingly, recklessly, or with criminal negligence: […] transports or confines an animal in a cruel manner". I'm thinking that with the way that puppy mills treat the mothers would certainly qualify. Hopefully with the whole Michael Vick thing more states will get on the bandwagon and pass laws like Utah has! Make sure your state reps know how you feel about it!