Day 4 no tv
Okay, so DH is gone on travel and I finally have control of the tv! Yippie, One Tree Hill, America's Next Top Model, Super Nanny, Ugly Betty, Grey's Anatomy, What Not to Wear - no complaining husband!
Then during the first 20 minutes of Wife Swap on Wednesday I lost the satallite signal because of heavy winds, I guess the dish got moved and now no tv until they come to fix it tomorrow. :eek:
I am going insane in this quiet house, maybe I should do my schoolwork. Nah …
Searching celebrity gossip online and catching up on the Basenji Forums is more fun! :p
Nope, he will still be gone for a little while but tonight I enjoyed some tv shows I had never seen before online and got to watch the whole season so far of Cashmere Mafia, not a bad show.
Our satellite got trashed too…the snow fell off of the roof and it's not a pretty site. We'll have to have it mounted somewhere else since this is the second time this season...and once last year too! Such a bummer...