It seems to me there are a couple of issues here. I don't think a shelter wants just any JoeBloe walking in one day to say "hey I'd like to help by walking your dogs". The shelter needs to know something about its volunteers though a criminal check might be a bit much. If someone has been volunteering at a shelter for some time so the staff knows them and now new policies are being put into effect, then the shelter should have some sort of informational meeting/handout for all its volunteers so they know what and why. And even when volunteers have been accepted, some mini-training should be included for handling dogs. Many shelter dogs have been abused so I wouldn't want a volunteer who grew up under the "old" system of training with spanking and collar yerking now handling a special needs dog. Actual certification for dog walkers - no - the government intrudes enough.
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Dear Sharron,
Thank you for your feedback. One of our spots mistakenly aired during the Michael Vick show a few weeks ago. Upon notification that the spot did run, we contacted the BET Network and requested that it be immediately removed from this program moving forward. We do appreciate you taking time to notify us of the issue.
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…but God and Rielly showed her who is really in control -- he was born almost exactly 24 hours before the scheduled C-section! hee hee I told her, 'Welcome to parenthood. Now you know exactly how much control you have over your life. " hee
Now that is funny!;)