And to continue the Fopaw's theme here…. Kobey (Emerant Fopaw TriWizard At Tanza) had his very first Novice Rally shows yesterday and today. Yesterday he scored a 95 and 4th place for his first Rally Leg... today, he scored 98 and 1st place for his second Rally leg...
Pass along my HI to Kevin... and tell him to give Therese a hug for me!!!!
They shall grow not old as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them."
[image: attachment_p_55635_0_flanders_poppy.jpg]
…but God and Rielly showed her who is really in control -- he was born almost exactly 24 hours before the scheduled C-section! hee hee I told her, 'Welcome to parenthood. Now you know exactly how much control you have over your life. " hee
Now that is funny!;)