Where does your B sleep?
Our princess Trixie sleeps in our bed under the covers. She switches between right by my husband and right by me but she has been in out bed since the night we brought her home. I know big mistake but I would'nt change it for the world!!
My husband and I love it that Sahara sleeps in our bed. She is our baby girl, and keeps us warm. :D
When I first acquired EL D he couldn't handle the crate so I left him sleeping in the kitchen in a doggie bed. The first time I let him have full run of the house and was going to bring his doggie bed in the bedroom. Yeah right - as soon as he walked in the bedroom he was up on the bed - and has never left :p:
kip sleeps in his basket at the bottom of ny bed but if it is cold he snuggles up to me in my bed
Jamie sleeps in her crate mostly, shes 6 so she has gotten quite used to it. On special occasions my wife and I let bboth dogs in the bed. In that case, she sleeps either between us or in the bend of my legs until she gets hot then she will work her way to be lying against my side, feet straight up in the air, snoring, and making my wife and I laugh until it hurts!!
I caught EL D snoring a couple of times - at first I thought there was something wrong with him - first time I ever heard a dog snore!
We once had a basset hound that snored so loudly that we wouldn't let her sleep in our bedroom.
Myran sleeps under the duvet with his head on my tummy and little sister Efia age 10 weeks sleeps in her crate by bed but when she´s housebroken she´s more then welcome to share the bed.During day time they sleep in various dogbed´s but are crated when I leave the house.
My girls has always been able to sleep with me since I got her. She has 2 dog beds in the bedroom and there is also a couch in there as well. Sometimes she start out on the couch or one of the dog beds but almost always ends up in the bed under the covers by morning. Sometimes at bed time she is a bit frisky even with an evening walk, I will give her a chewy treat which she will work on until she get tired and goes to bed. Now she is 11 yrs, there are not too many times she isn't ready for bed when I am these days, but she will look for something to get into when she isn't ready for bed if I don't give her something to get her busy.