We're back from the Show
How did you get on?
Wow what a busy weekend. Tiggy did AMAZING and was super good.
What did we learn this weekend, if it's an international show you don't get any placement for the puppy class. But it's okay because it was really good experience.
If we did place Tiggy would have one, the judge preferred him a lot over the other dog. His rating (I guess you would call it) was Very Promising. Here in europe they give you a paper with your results on it and any comments they have on the dog. Since I can't read hand written German very well I'm going to have a friend translate and then I'll update with that.
I got some pictures too that I'll try to post later, right now we are all VERY tired from a busy weekend.
Sounds like you all had fun…...good for you.....go Tiggy.:D
How wonderful! Congratulations! But we all already knew Tiggy was special.