Hello all– just wanted to see who all was going to this!! We're so excited and hope to see you guys there!
Some questions we have:
1. Is there a place to heat your covered dish?
2. How many people should we bring for?
3. Do we need to bring a crate for the dogs during the meal? How does that work?
4. Does the gift exchange need to be wrapped or do we just bring as is?
Hi BDawg…I've been to the summer pot luck so maybe I can help answer some of your ???
1-If you can bring your dish in an aluminum dish then you can use those gel sterns to keep it warm. I did this the last time & it worked well.
2-I think about 20-25 would be fine since there will be lots of other dishes as well...everyone brings such YUMMY food & there's plenty to go around
3-Bringing your crate is a good idea...some Bs are not big on the off leash socialzing so this would be a safe place for your Bs while you enjoy the eats.
4-not sure about this one???...maybe u could send an email to LeeBeth the MABC prez.
We won't be able to make it this time We're all so sad about this...we have a family Baptism to go to...grumble grumble.