1 + 2 = 3 !!!!!!
Yay! kepp us posted on how they progress…and post pictures when you can!
They actually played today !!!! Our biggest problems are between Deke and Gracie. Today they got a toy that they fought over before(we took it away just gave it back today) And tossed it back and forth. Then jumped and lunged and NO growling. It was sooooo cute. Now, later they were back to the snarking thing but little steps!!!
Gracie and Britty sleep in bed with us completely under the covers.
Deke loves his crate so I haven't changed that he sleeps there.It's also made Deke a lot more vocal baroooing and moaning and everything in between.
Honestly I don't think I'd every get anything but a Rescue again(no offense to the breeders) I just love the whole thing..and it makes you feel good to give these guys a home. Gracie is always making sure we are still here and asking for love. Deke ask for love a lot also. Britty loves to snuggle but not as often.
How are yours doing? You a few weeks ahead of us.
Im glad to hear that yours are doing well. Sounds like they are still getting to know each other (Im sure Deke is thinking ,,,,,,hmmmphhh,,,,,what in the world has mommy brought into our house!,,,,,lol) Ours havent had a snarking fit for a while,,,,,,,they were mainly over the bed,,,,,,,Bella our BRAT dear felt like she didnt want Wrigley(our newest BRAT–his name was Lee on the BRAT website) up on the bed with her sometimes but now when Wrigley gets in bed we just hold her close to us until he settles in. Wrigley is still adjusting,,,,,,,he was found on a busy highway near St. Louis-- we went to Missouri to get him a few weeks ago-- so we really dont know how long he was alone --makes me soooooooo sad to think of him scared and alone. He has anxiety issues and was until the past few days very difficult to get into the house. He would just stand in the doorway from the outside to inside and look at us with those big brown eyes like "I really want to come in but Im sooooo scared". Anyway, he seems to be doing better and they seem to be buddies about 99% of the time. BTW, I saw that you are in PA,,,,,,,,,we are in southeastern Ohio,,,,have you had rain the past few days? Never knew rain could make my life so difficult until we got the b's. Also, Im with you on the BRAT only from now on. Even though they can be challenging they are definately worth it. My hubby made fun of me the fi rst time Bella jumped up on my lap and cuddled,,,,,I got a little choked up because I knew that she finally felt like I was her "mommy". One last thing, have you decided to stop looking at the BRAT website,,,,,I have been banned by DH,,,,,,I think it is a good idea because it wouldnt take much for me to find furbaby #4!!!! :)
You might know, BRAT is always looking for foster homes.
It gives a stressed basenji a chance to calm down and you chance to help a dog in need.
Just in case you think you can help "one" more basenji. -
Oh, that is wonderful.
The joy of fostering is to see a dog who is unsure, scared, become a loving member of a family.
The new family who get this basenji YOU help rehome will always consider you a part of the helpful group who work to get the basenji to the final home.
Yea!!!!!!!! -
Well,,,,,???????? How are things going? We just added a third BRAT dog so I feel like I can relate to your situation and I am curious as to how your new babies are doing.
Has anyone asked you this already - Are you going to change your name to "luvsmy3bs"? OR are you waiting to see if you decide to go for a 4th?:D
I try to look at the BRAT site as little as possible. The funny thing is My Hubby wa the one looking at Czar like he wanted him already. I did check he's pending so thats good. I figure I owe it to these three to let them settle before I add more craziness.
We have talked about fostering..my human kids are 6 and 11 they're not sure they could give the pups up. I could end up keeping all my fosters…I don't think thats the idea. We will talk more about it once everyone is settled.
I think we will try to at least help with transport, home visits that stuff if we can't foster right away. once you go through the process you just want to try and give back how ever you can.
Oh I wanted to say yes the rain is a pain. Deke has always been ok he'll go potty in the rain. Britty I've gotten to go but Gracie went in my daughters room. I told her she hadn't gone and to watch her but she's 11. She had to clean it up next time she'll watch closer. haha
Yes,,,,I know I need to change my name,,,,,,,thank goodness the "kids" havent seen it yet or they may think I only love two of the three of them,,,,,ha ha. Also, we have thought about fostering a BRAT dog. I am a teacher so I have the summers free. We decided to wait until after the spring though to sign up because my son is a senior and I am afraid the spring will be to crazy to try to help a BRAT dog that may have some issues. However, we would be open to the transporting. BTW , Senji, we are going to the Northwest part of IL (about 25 miles from Iowa) soooooooooooooo if you want us to make Czar our first transport that can be arranged!!! :)