Introducing Tiggy (Maly Ksiaze Next Germanika)
wrote on 26 Sept 2007, 16:37 last edited by
awww…he is soooo adorable...and lucky you!
wrote on 26 Sept 2007, 16:39 last edited by
wrote on 26 Sept 2007, 16:40 last edited by
Too cute…looks like your boxer has a new friend. :D Congratulations to you!
As Duke said, fantastic that we have 2 of Arti's pups on the forum.
wrote on 26 Sept 2007, 16:41 last edited by
**Thank you everyone, he's been a joy to have already
Oh yea meant to add the kids toys aren't ours. We have no children, that is a common yard for my building that the neighbors let thier kids leave toys laying around.
Its a little fenced in area so I took them in there to get a good play outside in.**
wrote on 26 Sept 2007, 16:44 last edited by
**Thank you everyone, he's been a joy to have already
Oh yea meant to add the kids toys aren't ours. We have no children, that is a common yard for my building that the neighbors let thier kids leave toys laying around.
Its a little fenced in area so I took them in there to get a good play outside in.**
Bet the neighbors won't be leaving plastic kids toys out once Tiggy gets ahold of a few of them. :D
wrote on 26 Sept 2007, 16:47 last edited by
Thank you everyone, he's been a joy to have already
Oh yea meant to add the kids toys aren't ours. We have no children, that is a common yard for my building that the neighbors let thier kids leave toys laying around.
Its a little fenced in area so I took them in there to get a good play outside in.
Ummm - no one would mind if the toys were yours. There is a big kid in everybody . . . :D tee hee
Looks like Reggie and Tiggy are best buds! I love this picture - Reggie's eyes and nose, looking at tiggy's little nose - so precious!
wrote on 26 Sept 2007, 17:01 last edited by
Congrats!!! Tiggy is absolutely adoreable!!!
wrote on 26 Sept 2007, 17:32 last edited by
Aren't these Arti puppies adorable! :cool:
A little hello from brother Uku! :) -
wrote on 26 Sept 2007, 17:33 last edited by
Oh my! He's gorgeous.
Oh dear, here it comes again. Puppy-lust. And that beautiful dark brindle….. oh! Yup, I got it bad.
wrote on 26 Sept 2007, 18:05 last edited by
Congratulations! He is a-dor-a-ble!!!! How beautiful your pups and kitty are! Keep those photos coming…
wrote on 26 Sept 2007, 18:42 last edited by
Thank you every one he is an absolute joy, Arti did a good job with bringing him up. He is already used to his crate and goes into it by himself. He is also decent on leash and only pulls a little.
wrote on 27 Sept 2007, 01:10 last edited by
I love this B, he is just gorgeous, and looks like he is loving life. You are so lucky, and so is Tiggy. I have the puppy fever as well, hope to get Sahara a companion before too very long.
wrote on 27 Sept 2007, 14:01 last edited by
Congrats , good looking brindle!!!!! Got us thinking about a 3rd (brindle)
wrote on 27 Sept 2007, 18:51 last edited by
Are you sure he is actually a Basenji then? ;)
LOL, he seems to look up to my boxer alot and stays right in pace with him. Only random bouts of puppy lunges and pulling, I'm sure once he gets more comfortable things will change, lol
wrote on 27 Sept 2007, 21:04 last edited by
LOL, he seems to look up to my boxer alot and stays right in pace with him. Only random bouts of puppy lunges and pulling, I'm sure once he gets more comfortable things will change, lol
You never know, we had a Shih Tzu who took on her Siberian Husky "older sister"'s traits: quiet, calm and sweet. I hope he learns only good habits from your beautiful boxer!!:)