Big Al and Shera
wrote on 26 Sept 2007, 16:28 last edited by
Hi gang - Al from Arizona here with She-Ra (named after the popular 80's cartoon character). I'll have more pictures along the way (aside from the yawner in my avatar).
When I was a kid there was a family down the street who owned a Basenji and I always remembered being fascinated with this strange dog that never barked. Now some 30+ years later, confirmed cat lover that I am, I found myself with the opportunity to get a Basenji pup and am getting pretty adjusted to the change in lifestyle. :D
Glad to see there's a place we can all congregate and share our stories about the ups and downs of Basenji ownership.
wrote on 26 Sept 2007, 16:29 last edited by
Welcome!! I just got my new pup yesterday.
wrote on 26 Sept 2007, 16:34 last edited by
Welcome torchsong - This is best place to share stories and pictures. Pictures??
wrote on 26 Sept 2007, 16:39 last edited by
Welcome torchsong - This is best place to share stories and pictures. Pictures??
Did you tell him how much we love pictures Jill?:D :D :D :D
Welcome to the fun, information and entertainment, Basenji style.
Pictures, did we mention pictures!:D :D
wrote on 26 Sept 2007, 16:56 last edited by
Did you tell him how much we love pictures Jill?:D :D :D :D
Welcome to the fun, information and entertainment, Basenji style.
Pictures, did we mention pictures!:D :D
Oh yes! Still waiting for pictures . . . :) I can't see She-Ra's eyes in the yawning avatar.
wrote on 26 Sept 2007, 16:57 last edited by
I wondered why the name sounded familiar. Welcome She Ra! Oh, and of course, you too Al!
wrote on 26 Sept 2007, 16:59 last edited by
Hello and welcome! Where's the pictures??? :confused: :p
wrote on 26 Sept 2007, 17:15 last edited by
I'll endeavor to get some pictures up for you guys if not tonight then before the weekend. I've gotten a kick out of looking at all of yours.
She graduated from puppy training last night so we have the obligatory shot of her with a graduation cap on her head…hee hee.
wrote on 28 Sept 2007, 22:23 last edited by
she's a cutie!!!
wrote on 30 Sept 2007, 21:19 last edited by
Welcome to the forum! Looking forward to pictures!!