hahaha a dingo :D I think Lexi would look great as a harem girl.
I made Cooper's Halloween costume a few nights ago, after realizing that last year's was made when he was still growing!
I found the perfect fabric to turn my B mix into a Jedi. I think he's going to use his Jedi mind tricks to get some super treats!
The costume features a large hood. It looks like he's got the robe open from the front, but from the side it has a tie.
He wasn't being cooperative for the photo…
Cooper is well on his way to being a Jedi. Great job with the costume, subaruthie. You gave me an idea . . . I think Daisy just might make a good Yoda - what d'ya think?
:D This is actually her Puppy Class graduation picture at Pet Smart. The cap between the ears - she wasn't enjoying this at all!! But a Yoda, with the right cap to keep the ears to the sides . . . Any ideas?
Cute Jedi! Jill - LMAO!! She's the perfect Yoda!
Okay, don't judge us yet!! We're fitting Miles into the pattern piece we constructed… lol... It looks awful right now, but it has potential!! :) Just wait until we're done!! :)
OK - won't judge, but what a good sport he is being. Are those things around Miles' legs - Reflectors??? Really cool!
As I reply here, Duke and Daisy are at a "hilt" with an arguement - gotta go!
ha! Reflectors?! No, that was just computer paper and magic marker. The first cuff I made looked like a Swedish flag… So I colored a bunch of different kinds. Then I found some hieroglyphics- we're going to spell out his name in glue with hieroglyphics on the cuffs and then spray paint over them so it just looks raised. Hubby made the foam headpiece last night. One of the key elements is making sure the collar piece will hold the upper head piece in place. Even though this is King Tut (and we're making Anubis), here are some pictures we're using for reference: :) -
Miles really is being a good sport! You and you hubby have done a great job, BDawg! Miles looks very regal and handsome!
Stormie is going to be a skunk! lol! I ordered the costume last week - should be here soon! -
Miles is so stoic. I thought for sure he'd tolerate a head piece more than Lexi. And he does. But we built the costume to accommodate him. We made she he could move his head and his ears weren't being pinned down (what we thought would be his biggest complaint ;)) We're working on wrapping Lexi up as a mummy right now. We got this special muslin cloth and tore it into strips. Now we're playing with different ways to wrap her to make sure she can still move and to avoid any "marks" on her costume when she goes to the bathroom. :eek:
BDawg (& hubby), I bow in your general direction! They are both adorable!!
Here's to my "kids"… the incredibly cute furrybabies who let me do whatever I want to them. What little angels... :)
(And right in the middle of naptime too! For once, Lexi was more interested in snoozing than being photographed!)
Front of the cobra:
Back of the cobra:
The cutest little Halloween Ham: Miles as Anubis!
omg! they look great!!!