I had a neighbor who complained to me after a week of Max howling from the time I left in the a.m. (6) to the time I came home in the evening (5) when I had to keep my other dog confined in the garage after ACL surgery. I had no idea this was happening. He did not like to be alone; and as long as Pepper, I, or both of us were with him, he did not howl. After I had to have Pepper put to sleep, I had special sound proof windows put in my house (well–not really sound proof--but sound resistant) and kept them closed when I wasn't home. He had a dog door to the backyard but didn't typically howl outside--only in the house. I would also leave a tv and stereo on in the house to help drown out his howls. I did try to get him a companion (twice), but he wouldn't accept another dog (he was 12 at the time). I have a feeling that Chance would love another little B running around the house with him to keep him company Same thing with my Tyler--when I leave him at home to take Zoey to the vet--he is always howling when we get home--and the sound resistant windows still work pretty well....funny thing is, neither of my females did this (one was a german shepherd mix, and Zoey is a B)--only the males.