How Loud Is Your B
wrote on 30 Aug 2007, 02:26 last edited by
When my boyfriend and I go to work we crate chance. Today when I came home I opened my car door and heard this long howl. It could be heard from over 100 feet away from my house! Not to mention I had the swamp cooler on in the house and that didin't even dampen the sound. I couldn't believe that such a powerful sound could come out of something so small!
Here is my concern. Noise complaints!
We will be moving into another home in a few months and I worry that my new neighbors will not be B friendly to those loud baroos.
Anyone ever receive noise complaints and what do you do?
As a drastic approach we were considering making one of the rooms sound proof (yah I's a drastic approach) but I know that one family who will be moving next door to us will have a newborn baby.
I really worry about leaving my house. Especially at night. The last thing I want is upset neighbors and a possible visit from the P.D. :confused: -
wrote on 30 Aug 2007, 02:35 last edited by
Last year when I went on vacation, I left Senji with my brother and his family. (His original owners) It was the 4th of July and they went out to watch fireworks. The neighbors on the other side of the cul-de-sac said that he was howling so much that it sounded like someone was getting killed over there! To top it off in showing his displeasure, he peed all over their king-sized bed! :eek: He NEVER does that at home!
wrote on 30 Aug 2007, 04:22 last edited by
I had a neighbor who complained to me after a week of Max howling from the time I left in the a.m. (6) to the time I came home in the evening (5) when I had to keep my other dog confined in the garage after ACL surgery. I had no idea this was happening. He did not like to be alone; and as long as Pepper, I, or both of us were with him, he did not howl. After I had to have Pepper put to sleep, I had special sound proof windows put in my house (well–not really sound proof--but sound resistant) and kept them closed when I wasn't home. He had a dog door to the backyard but didn't typically howl outside--only in the house. I would also leave a tv and stereo on in the house to help drown out his howls. I did try to get him a companion (twice), but he wouldn't accept another dog (he was 12 at the time). I have a feeling that Chance would love another little B running around the house with him to keep him company :) Same thing with my Tyler--when I leave him at home to take Zoey to the vet--he is always howling when we get home--and the sound resistant windows still work pretty well....funny thing is, neither of my females did this (one was a german shepherd mix, and Zoey is a B)--only the males.
wrote on 30 Aug 2007, 16:23 last edited by
Everyone keeps telling me that two are better than one. :)
wrote on 30 Aug 2007, 17:29 last edited by
Everyone keeps telling me that two are better than one. :)
True… but don't let that put you in a false sense of security... nothing worse then "2" howling Basenjis!!!!!