• I can't state enough the importance of keeping your Basenji's teeth clean. I started brushing mine when they were puppies and still brush them everyday. At least 3-4 times a week is the minimum. I learned from my first basenji that I had from 1975 to 1992. I never brushed her teeth because nobody I knew or ever heard of did it. I don't know how she didn't get get sick. I guess because she was so physically strong. She hardly ever had problems. It would get to the point where her month would smell bad and then I would take her in.
    They squirm a little but not much and it only takes a minute to do one. It'll save you $ in the long run and your little friend will be happy.

  • You are exactly right…. but there are some dogs that regardless if you brush or not just have terrible teeth, just like people....

  • Again - I have to remind people of this stuff from Wysong called DentaTreat. It's a cheese based powder that you sprinkle on food and it cleans teeth all by itself. REALLY IT DOES. A big jar is about $20.00 but it's easy, works and saves tons in vet bills. If you have more than 1 or 2 basenjis - it's really essential and a great time saver.

  • You know, I have tried it and really have not found it to make a big difference???

  • I've tried those real hard biscuits and treats that are supposed to clean the dogs teeth and it doesn't work. I found the brush is the only thing that works. I don't think your dentist would recommend you use anything but a brush for yourself. Right? Teeth are teeth.

  • does anyone use those scraper thingies on their b's teeth? I tried brushing in a gazillion different ways, and they either like the toothpaste so much they eat it before i can brush their teeth, and spend the whole time chewing on the brush, or they hate it so much i can't get it near their mouths. the breeder showed me this scraper thing that has a blunt flat end (not the pointy sharp one they use on humans at the dentist) and Tayda and Lenny seem to not mind it at all. i was worried they'd jerk around and it would become dangerous but they really just sit there like they're sleeping and let me scrape away….

  • Yeah, a scaler. I can scale almost everyone's teeth (not Ivy…too jumpy)...but it still doesn't help much. I have had some people tell me that it isn't good if you scratch the enamel and don't polish (like at the dentist) though. They said more tartar will form because the tooth isn't smooth? Don't know if it is true, though...

  • I am going to try and brush Duke's teeth tonight. Is it easier to brush their teeth when they're lying down resting? Kind of like take them by surprise? I'm thinking of my plan of attack. Last night I went into Duke's mouth when he was resting on his back. I could see all his teeth so well. The problem, I think will be keeping him on his back. 😃

  • I find they don't like to stay still enough to get all the teeth & definitely the bottom teeth are the toughest to brush…GEEZ :mad:

  • Personally, I stand over them with them between my legs (B's also standing)…they way they can't get away. I use a battery toothbrush...

  • I do mine when they're on the couch. Get them in the corner on the left side of the couch facing towards the middle. Then you sit on the edge in front of them facing towards the middle of the couch as well. Just put your hand over their muzzle and lift the upper lip up and gently slide/put the brush in. Hold their head gently because if you squeeze too hard trying to hold them it will hurt and be a negative experience. Just brush gently for a second or two and then let go if they get sqruirmy so they can swallow. If you just stick it in there and they chew it for a second or two that's OK. It's a start. Then try again and gently push it around. Talk to them in a friendly, calm tone telling them what a good dog they are. Don't force it very much because it will turn bad. They will get used to it. I've been doing it for 13 years pretty easily. You know that trying to use force with a Basenji doesn't work.

  • OK - thanks for the advice. I guess I will cancel my plan of attack - but I know it will be a struggle for me. I will talk to Duke happily, he trusts me, but I have hesitated to brush them when he was younger b/c he is very strong and squirmy. I hope, now that he's older and not so-so puppy like, that he will be good for me. I like the idea of the battery powered brush. I'll see how he does with a plain brush first.

  • Jill,
    I forgot! Get a glass of water and stick the brush in there first and get it wet. Basenjis love to lick things that are wet. Just stick the brush in front of him and let him lick or chew it. Each time stick it in the water and swish it around and get it wet. Then try again. Let him feel he's got some control or choice in this whole thing.

  • After Nala's dental, I'm going to try this…thanks for all the advice. Jill, please post on how it all goes!!!

  • @nobarkus:

    I forgot! Get a glass of water and stick the brush in there first and get it wet. Basenjis love to lick things that are wet. Just stick the brush in front of him and let him lick or chew it. Each time stick it in the water and swish it around and get it wet. Then try again. Let him feel he's got some control or choice in this whole thing.

    Great idea to let them think its a kind of a treat. He would probably like that. Thanks for your advice - I'll try doing this around 8 pm when we all begin to settle down for the night.

    After Nala's dental, I'm going to try this…thanks for all the advice. Jill, please post on how it all goes!!!

    Will do nala. I'm looking forward to posting how it works out.

  • OK - I finished with the toothbrush intro. Positioning Duke was the challenge. I even cradled him on his back in my lap. But ultimately he ended up sitting on the sofa and I could use my other hand to steady his head.

    The water did the trick, he was very interested in licking it and made it easier to get the brush to his back teeth as he was chewing on the bristles with his back teeth. So, I took advantage and brushed. Though I didn't press an expert brushing job, my concern was to give him an introduction today. I also added Petrodex poultry flavored paste on the brush. He's sold! We spent maybe 5 minutes doing this. I didn't want it to end badly as mentioned. I put everything away in the cupboard and he's crying now for me to get it back out. :rolleyes: Hopefully the next brushing will be even better. One day and one dog at a time! 🙂

  • Great job Jill! It'll get easier. It'll get to the point where you'll be able to fully clean Duke's teeth in minutes. I did Nika's teeth this morning throughly in 3 minutes. I only use the Petrodex 3 times a week and water everyday. If I'm using both I first clean using water only then clean again lightly with Petrodex. Another good paste is Veterinarian's Best. It's a more of a natural toothpaste with aloe. Anyway keep up the good work!

  • I have to admit-I have a battery operated tooth brush that has interchangeable heads. Mine seem to like the action of it-go figure!

  • Mine love the batter operated one that I use too!

  • I haven't tried a battery operated. I assumed it would freak them out. I'll have to give it a try.

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