So I go walking my little BaMica at this new condo place I live at this evening and this lady in a nice expensive car slows down to look at me and I figure, ok she must live in this complex too, but than she slows down and starts speaking to me out of her window and suddenly accuses me of not picking up my doggie do-do! As if she didn't have anything better to do. She said she had watched me three times through the window and seen me not picking it up. Well being that she was a stranger, and I had never seen her or known her until this moment in my life, it put me in a defensive mode and I grabbed my bag of Mica's do-do out of my pocket and showed it to her as proof that I did pick up my dogs doings. I told her I pick up my dogs droppings 99% of the time and I make sure I have my doggie bags with me and that if I don't I come back and pick those sweet nothings up, too. I have seen other people's dogs doings in similar places too, but to suddenly accuse a complete stranger and than try to argue with me? That really slew me the wrong way. That bad of doggie droppings in my pocket was a sweet weapon that I wanted to keep showing to her. See? This is in my hand and I have it here so you can see it again and I know I pick up my doggies dodo, I wanted to say. Don't you see this? I wanted to repeat to her? Who do you think you are anyway, miss stranger in this fancy car and than you want to accuse me, a responsible dog owner of not being responsible?
So from now on first; I will make sure I find out where she lives, NOT say hello to her, and make sure my Mica never comes near or sets foot in her yard. Of all the little people in this world.
UMPH. :p BaMica's mom