When my daughter was pregnant she would stop by once a week and Izzy would always sniff her all over , most of all her stomach and around that area, her husband was afraid of Izzy being around the baby when he came , because Izzy is not a real friendly basenji especially to my son in law. Izzy has never had any aggression toward my grandson, my grandson is 7 now and Izzy is always there to protect him, when the grandson goes down the stairs Izzy is just one step in front of him like he is protecting him from falling. I don't know about other basenjis but Izzy loves kids, but not a lot of adults.
Baby teeth!
I just felt like sharing
Bindi is about 4 months old now and she just lost two baby teeth :3
I know they end up eating them but has anyone found one and kept it? :x
if I can I want to try hehe~Kat
that is just too cute. I think u should keep it.
Awwww what a sweet mom
I vote you keep it too. I've never kept any teeth-but then again, I feel them all too often sometimes!
I have kept one from every pup I have had… LOL.....
I've managed to keep 2 puppy teeth. They wern't easy to get. One I found on the floor and the other I got while brushing his teeth.
make that three teeth! I better find some before she losses them all! lol
Keep the teeth…
ha ha, i thought the teething was over…Cairo became such a good puppy!
he is teething the big teeth now and the chewing is starting again!!
I never found one tooth from Caesar and I havent seen any from Cairo....but he does chew on rocks in the yard....crazy!
Before I owned Mica, I owned two Alaskan Malamutes and managed to find three of their baby teeth, total, and subsequently had a necklace made of them.