I have had the pleasure of owning both breeds. There is another forum member here who also has a basenji and a Shiba. Lol, they are both very stubborn breeds. Depending on what you want they are very different though. Shibas need a lot of care for grooming, they blow a lot of coat and can get matted fur, on the other hand they make a very good watch dog. Basenjis don't bark but make a multitude of other noises. Their coat is nice and short for less grooming, though they too blow coat, just not as bad as a Shiba. They both maintain puppy characteristics their whole lives and live long lives. I think our Shiba was 16 when we lost her. Both need a lot of socialization, with both people and dogs. This is a must. Good luck with whatever breed you choose. Look at parents for temperament and do your reading on health problems and make sure you adopt from a reputable breeder.
Hello From Alabama
My name is Gabriele. My Husband Don and I are owned by our Basenji named Huck. He is a 15 months young male tri color. We live in South Eastern Alabama. Huck has a companion, Heidi, a Miniature Schnauzer. Huck is not our first experience with Basenjis. For the past 12 years our family included two Basenjis, which have passed away. We are very familiar with the problems and joys of living with Basenjis, but we wouldn't have it any other way.
Hello & welcome! My little girl is from Phoenix City and I'm originally from Mobile!
Well, hello Gabriele, and welcome to the forum! I live in Birmingham and have a 3 year old black and white girl, Abbey. We bought a puppy for $3.00 from the Humane Society many years ago that turned out to be a pure bred basenji and I've been in love with the breed ever since.
Hello and welcome to our little home!! This is a great forum with lots of friendly, helpful advice. Hope to see pictures of your b soon.
Welcome!! And congrats on your fur baby
Welcome and congrats on the new ownership!!
hi and welcome! i just returned from a vacation in SE AL! i grew up in abbeville, just north of dothan. my parents still live there. they have 4 Bs now. welcome to the forum. bs are such a handful, this place is great!
Hello Gabriele and welcome! Can't wait to see pictures!
Karen, Rocket & Rumor
Welcome!! Hope to see pics soon!