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Puppy farting is this normal???

Basenji Health Issues & Questions
  • Our new puppy farts all the time.. Is this normal?? It stinks is there anything I can do for him? Is it a puppy thing? We are feeding him the same thing the breeder fed him. His snacks are natural puppy snaks that have no corn or dairy. What can I do I hate this smell. Someone please help me

  • His system is probably upset from all the big changes. Give it some time, and I am sure it will pass.

  • @Quercus:

    His system is probably upset from all the big changes. Give it some time, and I am sure it will pass.

    LOL yeah hes passing alot of it ;) Thank You. I just wanted to make sure he would out grow it or see if there was something that might help him out :)

    Now can some one telling how to get him to stop pooping in his crate everytime we leave him?

  • How long do you leave him for? Abby used to until my mom started coming over to let her out at lunch now she only pees. I don't know if she will ever stop peeing in her cage, I think she does it cuz she is upset, so we devised a way to keep her off the bottom and put a peepee pad under it so she isn't laying in it. Hope this helps.

  • @abby_basenji:

    How long do you leave him for? Abby used to until my mom started coming over to let her out at lunch now she only pees. I don't know if she will ever stop peeing in her cage, I think she does it cuz she is upset, so we devised a way to keep her off the bottom and put a peepee pad under it so she isn't laying in it. Hope this helps.

    I left him for less than 30 min to drop my dd off at school. Once he was in there for less than 10 min another time he was in there about 15 min everytime he has gone in there he has pooped unless it is open.

  • His snacks are natural puppy snaks that have no corn or dairy.

    If you're feeding any pork snacks – like pig ear strips, etc -- that may be the cause. Those things produce deadly gas!!

  • How have you introduced him to the crate? Do you put him in or do you toss a treat in and let him go into the crate? Also, the flight may have been a traumatic experience that he now associates with his crate. My boy flew from Atlanta to Sacramento and was crate phobic afterwards but he wouldn't poop he would scream and scream and scream.

  • We put a treat in there and he does go in it on his own but the second we shut the door he freaks out and is jumping all over the place and poos everywhere (it was even on the roof of the crate and the bars) We had to go someplace today we couldnt take him so we put his crate outside and him (he pooped right infront of the door) but other than that he did okay I just dont think I could leave him out there if it was raining. So I dont know what to do with him when we are out and would love to be able to use his crate without having to deal with poop :(

    Thank You everyone for your help I really appriciate it.

  • well, we should have warned you….there is nothing in the world that smells worse than a basenji fart.
    seriously, i hope it eases up for you and should as he gets settled. fender would poop and pee in his crate a lot when i first got him. it might have taken him making a connection between the pooping and the dreaded bath before he learned to be a good boy. good luck!

  • How big is the crate? Sometimes you can make them smaller with an attachment so that there isn't enough room to live and have a poop area. Sounds like he is stressing tho. Joey used to pee in his crate almost immediately after we left the house and then proceed to shred everything in there. I spent a lot of time making his crate a fun place to be and also crating him when I am home so that he doesn't always associate crate= mom leaves. I still reserve the most delicious treats for when he goes in his crate. I used to have to shoove him in his crate and now I can get him, with a little reluctance, to go in his crate on his own. I also made sure that he peed just before we left (altho many of you know they do keep tiny reserves on hand just in case! :D)

  • If he is pooping when you close the door, it is because he is terrified; he may never have been put in a crate by himself before. He has just been taken away from his mom and sibs, he may never have been alone until he got put in a crate on a plane.

    I assume you are making sure he is empty before you put him in the crate right?

    Right now, I would not close him in a crate, because he is making associations right now that you don't want. He is terrified when you close the door, because it means you are leaving. He is also "practicing" eliminating in his crate; and he is probably learning that you whip him out of there as soon as you notice the poop (it would be cruel not to). So in time, he may think 'hey, I poop, she gets me out'….right now, I think he is not having a thinking response, just a panicked one.

    Soooo....what I would do is two approaches. Get an X-pen to keep him in when you have to leave, put his crate in it open, and some nice toys, and whatever else you think he would like to play with. Then have training sessions for leaving: put him in his X-pen, give him a nice treat, and walk out the door, stand right outside the door, and come in BEFORE he starts crying. If you can't do that and he starts crying right away. Come back in and ignore him until he is quiet, and let him out.

    Then with the crate, have training sessions. Put some really yummy treats in there, but keep the door closed. Show him, and get him reved up to go in. Open the door, and close it behind him. At first just let him stay in there until he looks uncomfortable, but BEFORE he starts to carry on. Then let him out while he is quiet and clean. At first you won't leave his sight. Later as he starts to feel more comfortable you will leave and go to another part of the house, and then walk back. The goal is to not let him freak out.

    IMO, this puppy is more upset by the separation, than the crate, but he has a scary association with the crate; you need to build trust in this puppy that you will come back...but that is not unusal. It is going to be more work than you probably thought it would be...but let me tell you....I wish I had done this with my crate screamer as a puppy. I took the route of just letting him scream it out, and never let him out while he is screaming (he never defecated)..and he STILL hates crates, at 8 years old.

    Best of luck, and please let me know if any of my directions were confusing...I haven't had any coffee yet ;)

  • I agree about the farts they are horrid! My puppy was crying alot in the crate but we have kept practicing and had him in there short times, longer times, while we are home while we are not and it seems to be getting better and he is no longer screaming. He does not like to go in there at night and wants to sleep on the bed with the big dog. So as long as he behaves well he can do that. This is week three and it is continuing to improve.

  • When Senji was a puppy, he liked to eat ants on the sidewalk. You'd think he was an aardvark! He used to get horrible gas from that. One day, and ant bit him on the tongue, and he hasn't eaten ants since.

  • Try giving him a half teaspoon of plain yogurt daily for a few days. Yogurt has enzymes that help adjust the "gut" and usually helps stop gas and/or diareah. Always works for my animals. :)

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