New member adopting a rescue Basenji
Welcome. This is a great place to learn about Basenjis, quirks and all. Read up and let us know when you get your new baby!
You are about to rescue the best breed of dog in the world, I think anyways. They do however, take alot of patience, but well worth it. They are the most affectionate dogs I have ever seen, and the smartest. My baby, Sahara, is 1 on the 31st, and I have only had a few issues with her, but we are working those out. My hubby and I often talk about how this dog has enlightened our lives, you can have a bad day and come home to this most loyal and loving pet and all is good with the world. She is the best, and thank you for thinking about the rescue, I hope you will adopt.
I read both of their profiles and both sound like they would make wonderful additions. Kudos again for adopting an older dog, it's so hard for them to find forever homes and they do so deserver one.
I read both of their profiles and both sound like they would make wonderful additions. Kudos again for adopting an older dog, it's so hard for them to find forever homes and they do so deserver one.
Where did you get their profiles?? Are Hunny and Jojo listed in the BRAT website? You're quick spitfire. ;)
That is so awesome. I would rescue them all if I could! Basenji's are truly special creatures. You will know once you have her. My husband took ours to have her teeth cleaned this morning before I left for work. And it was the worst feeling that she wasn't by my feet as I ate my breakfast and got ready. It was a nice reminder of how much she means to me and how much she brings to my life. They are such intelligent little creatures with such large personalities. I can't wait to hear all your stories!! Best wishes!
Yes, we are adopting Jojo. She is in FL right now but we will be getting soon hopefully. You can see her in BRAT. I will be posting some pics when she arrives. We are soo excited. Never had a B before so I am sure we will be using the help found here from all you wonderful people. Thanks so much for the encourgement.
Welcome, great forum and good people. Nice to see the BRAT rescue:cool: ….......congrats.
That's wonderful! I'm sure you'll find lots of great information on this site to help your new addition and you get to know each other…Please post pictures when you can.